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times when i feel towards same gender or transgender

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi why me,


I am not sure what it is like in Canada or your area, but in The Netherlands as well as in the US there are special bars to meet people like that. My suggestion is to take out the yellow pages and see if there's a club or bar in your area like that. Also browsing the internet might help you on your way.


I hope that this helped you and wish you good luck in your search. I hope that you will find your answers.


~ SwingFox ~

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  • 4 months later...

That doesn't mean you are gay it means you have gay tendencies. Unfortunately these very feelings are how some homosexuals got their start, and they arn't going to go away no matter how strait you feel or people think you are, so my advice is to learn to cope with them. Remember it is your choice I would advise sticking to females.

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  • 2 weeks later...

first if you really want to be straight forever never ever try sex with same sex partner or transgender either, look i my self was a "staright" then have sex with my friend when i was 18 he was 16! after that i started looking for boys and girls you might just end up like me! a bi! be straight if you can !

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