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Human Resources Field..any thoughts?


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I went on an interview for an admin assistant with a concentration in hr.


Basically I would be doing a lot of the dirty work from my assumption--benefits, paperwork, also screening calls for the administrator, phone interviews, doing an interview itself, things around the office, planning events for the summer or the holiday party..it sounds like an opportunity to learn and grow in the field i hope. I feel I need to choose something at this point and my problem is i wouldn't say I am passionate about any field in particular.


I was told they need someone flexible who can stay late at times or come in early and at times have this happen last minute...like for example--if there is a leak someone needs to take care of things and make sure it gets fixed.


I definitely need a change and I am not against hard work but I guess i am wondering if anyone in this field can shed light on it for me about their experience. Is it fulfilling and do you feel you are doing something different compared to a typical office job?


I also don't want to give up my entire personal life for a job either. I am single and as sad as it might be i do want to have time to hopefully meet someone. I don't want a career I am married to. I am sure others find the time despite working 70 or more hours a week who knows but I don't think I have that type of energy honestly..at that point it would probably just be a career and hope to meet someone. lol..sorry if this sound weird..i hope someone can understand where I am coming from.


A few of my friends are teachers and i am envious at times of their free time..i am just getting home and i see them going out already dressed for dinner etc.

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I know how you feel as I have worked long hours too before and absolutely hated it. But there are exceptions... I was working 9am-midnight sometimes for a law firm!!! they were absolutely ridiculous and i left the position bc of it. I think this job sounds good for you and can definitely get your foot in the door to HR advancement. You need to start at this level if you want to advance. If they are asking you to occasionally stay until 6pm instead of 5pm, or come in at 8am instead of 9am....well that is acceptable in my opinion and they are not asking too much of you. They will likely never ask you to stay past 7pm, unless they are extremely busy? Also, consider salary. Will they be paying you accordingly? Considering you are asked to put in many hours? How are the benefits of the company?

If you don't feel this is a good fit for you...then keep looking!

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it has been the only interview i have been on after applying for a long long time lol


i remember her saying they pay for OT as well. I am not sure what the salary is yet. I am hoping not too low. They do know what I am making now.


It sounds like a good way to get into the door and also sounds like i wouldn't be stuck behind a computer all day which may be a good thing? To interact with people in the building or calling people in for a chance to interview with others? On the site it says it's 9-5 with this position but to be able to stay if required.


I would like to confirm this if i do get a second interview..is that ok? to ask so this is basically 9-5 with overtime required at times? or maybe ask that IF i get the position and before i accept so atleast i know what i am getting myself into.

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if you've gone for a first interview, you should always follow up with an email thanking them for meeting with you and that you look forward to hearing from them again should u be considered for the position. Don't ask too many questions about the OT. . because they will think you are too concerned about this.

Dont stress over it too much just yet. For now, send them an email thanking them. When did you have your first interview?

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It was this morning. I actually already send the thank you e-mail to the two people i met with. I called reception and asked for the other person's e-mail.


What conerns me now is the thank you e-mail isn't short. The first 2 paragraphs are definitely paragraphs. The first paragraph has 6 sentences and some not short. The second has 4 sentences. And the 3rd is just a few. It appears long but i wanted to reconfirm my interest and say the things I didn't get to say during the interview or even address certain qualities she said she was looking for. So that's why it looks a little long and i hope that isn't a negative thing.


The second letter almost the same..6 sentences in the first..some aren't so short but sound good. The second a few. I didn't place as much infor with second one because she isn't the main lady i would be working with.

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