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he's leaving, i love him, and wut should i do??? HELP!!!

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Ok hi everyone, this problem is serious and time is runnig out so i DESPERATLY need your help.


ok well this summer i met a totally amazing guy... he's perfect...sweet, kind, fun to be with, hillarious, respectfull, atractive...you get my point...and i've totally fallen head over heals for him. i think that he might like me too..but im unsure...(ur probably thinking ...uhh ya ok w/e just tell him...but there is a problem)


here it is...

this totally amazing guy..who i have undoubtably fallen for is leaving. And im not tallking like he's moving away we'll keep in touch kind of leaving...he's going off to the millitery... and i don't know if or when i'll ever see him again...it seriously sux...


so my question to u is shud i tell him that i care about him or just not say anything..im soo confussed... and he leaves in like 2 months...so my time is running out..PLEASE help..




Thanx SOOO much

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I would suggest telling him as you feel as well. You still have 2 months - time to get to know him better & see how the relationship goes. After the time you may decide you want to stick together, or you'd rather not. It's up to you & him. But if you really like him that much I'd suggest going for it. That's what I did as well. (My boyfriend is leaving in a month as well.)


Good luck,



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  • 2 weeks later...

There are movies, books, and tellings of beautiful love stories that end with the perfect ending. We all know that life can't always be like that, but you shouldn't stop yourself from a special opportunity. If he's your perfect guy, and you find something so special and amazing about him, I think you already know what you need to do. When you truly fall in love with someone, nothing should be stopping you from wanting to protect and keep it. Go after him, and tell him how you feel. Do everything that you can to show this perfect man in your life that you care about him, and prove that every whisper, every breathe, and every beat of your heart is for him. Wouldn't you agree, that if you found the other half of your heart, you would want to keep it whole ?


If something is holding you back, as hard as it is for you to accept, he may not be the one for you. If you are really in love, then there shouldn't be a second thought to expressing your love to him. Look inside yourself and be truthful to your heart: are you ready to be in love, and if so, with a man like him.


I hope you find who you are looking for 8)





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