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Have I Broken NC - What Do You Think of This


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I think I am 10 days NC. I'm the dumpee- had been together for 4 years.. My ex had been very depressed about a number of issues in his life. Around 6 weeks ago, knowing he was very unhappy, I tried to speak with him. Firstly, he accused me of going to see him with the intent of breaking up with him which was totally untrue. Then he said something like: "You think I'm depressed because of you - no it's all the other things." Next sentence he says, I need to have a break. I don't know if you are the right one for me and if I want to spend the rest of my life with you." I was absolutely devastated. Things got worse from that point on. I've discussed these on other posts. He insisted he wanted to remain friends with me, but he certainly hasn't given any indication of being a friend since that time.


Anyway, it was decided mutually that I would get my property from his home in a couple of weeks time as it has been very distressing for me to even think about. I lived with him for 2 years, but moved out around a year because he was having very major problems with his daughter, and I thought things there might improve if I moved. They didn't and not long after that he told her she couldn't live there any more and she hasn't spoken to him since.


Sorry for the ramble, but anyway, today I sent a very brief, but polite text asking if it would be okay if I collected 2 fairly small items - if he wouldn't mind leaving them on the patio and I would pick them up late tonight after work. He replied in same. The house was in darkness when I got there so I knew there would NC. On his patio, he had put a lot of bags with my things in. I barely fitted them in my car.


Well the message isn't too subtle to me. Up until a few weeks ago, I really believed he loved me and was my best friend and that we were going to spend the rest of our lives together. Boy was I wrong.

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