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oh, the irony! Here you were, abiding by the "3 day rule" with the hopes of not appearing overeager/too involved/nothing else going on, but then you sabotage all that with these texts saying that you are available "whenever [she] is free" and leaving everything up to her.


I presume she's getting home on Sunday, and you proposed to call her the following Tuesday. I think you should call her closer to whenever you are planning on taking her out. For example, if you want to take her out on the upcoming Saturday, then ask her closer to then. I wouldn't text or call until then -- make sure you CALL this time -- and if you do end up going out, you can ask her about her weekend out of town. boom, instant conversation.



on a side note, the "3 day rule" and similar behaviors are a problem with courtship and dating in my generation. It's as if we're competing to see who can be more apathetic, lest we show even the smallest hint of genuine interest and be labeled a creep/stalker. As if text messaging weren't impersonal enough... sheesh!

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