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I have been extremely disappointed lately over a rather short term relationship has ended. I'm feeling very down about the situation. I don't get it either, I didn't see anything entirely in her, but I "liked" her for some reason. I don't know if it's because she made me feel good about myself in general or not, but now that she's gone, something seems "wrong" or "missing" in my life.


I feel like she dragged me along which is the worst part. I guess I feel a little beat up because of this. I was always being a gentleman around her, and she would usually take me up on dates. She would compliment me and enjoy my presence. But then she never would talk to me outside of that. Or, if she did, it was very simple answers and she rarely initiated conversation with me.


I am feeling like I will never find anyone again. It's a tough spot to be in. I feel like my options are limited. I go out to my friends with the clubs and all I get stuck doing is dancing or making out with girls who I would never actually want to be in a relationship with. I'm 24 years old so I'm certainly not getting any younger.


Though I don't expect any cure all replies, I am just venting here to let my thoughts out.

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You'll find someone again. 24 is still fairly young no worries Many people don't find "the one" until they're 80! You honestly never know when the right person will come along! I'm sorry you feel so crappy right now, but try and not think about how she treated you. Eventually you won't miss her anymore. Keep your head up

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I have been extremely disappointed lately over a rather short term relationship has ended. I'm feeling very down about the situation. I don't get it either, I didn't see anything entirely in her, but I "liked" her for some reason.


I don't know if it's because she made me feel good about myself in general or not, but now that she's gone, something seems "wrong" or "missing" in my life.

That's a natural feeling, Fit. You realize you're missing something in your life, a hole that can only be filled by a woman.

No, nothing's "wrong" with your life.

You're just "between" relationships.

I feel like she dragged me along which is the worst part. I guess I feel a little beat up because of this.


I was always being a gentleman around her, and she would usually take me up on dates.

You acted well with her. That's the way you're supposed to act when you date. Don't feel down about that. Your actions were proper.

She would compliment me and enjoy my presence.

But then she never would talk to me outside of that.

Or, if she did, it was very simple answers and she rarely initiated conversation with me.

I've read your other threads.

You certainly can't call her a great communicator.

I am feeling like I will never find anyone again. It's a tough spot to be in. I feel like my options are limited.

Like the poster above me posted, you're not getting old. 24 is still young.

Lots of guys would love to trade places with you.


You still have a lot of time to meet others. You will meet another woman. You have plenty of options.


Lots of people don't get married until later in life.

I didn't meet my future wife until 30 and married her at 33. Wasn't great at dating and only had one NEAR-fiance at 26.


Please consider this:

Within 2-5 years, you could be:

-in a serious, exclusive relationship




Know it's hard to believe at your age (and I may have had trouble believing that had someone told me that at 25-26), but it's true.


You may not feel really "ready" to get married until you get a little older.


Like you, I was lonely as hell and wanted a relationship in my mid-20s and wanted to get married.


But when I met my future wife at 30 through a blind date, it just felt so natural and I realized how those other women I dated (some I wanted to marry, but they didn't feel the same) couldn't hold a candle to the woman I married. Was glad I didn't get engaged to any of them, even the 30 y.o. virgin I met at 26 that I've posted about.


These other women never loved me as passionately as my future wife, and she gave herself emotionally and sexually to me.... things I really wanted at that time in my life.


So don't get close to giving up. You still have time.

I go out to my friends with the clubs and all I get stuck doing is dancing or making out with girls who I would never actually want to be in a relationship with. I'm 24 years old so I'm certainly not getting any younger.

You're a clubber, no problem. But as I've said in PMs and in your other threads, try looking for women in other venues.

You yourself see how those kind of women aren't the ones you want, so please look at other areas.


Think of it this way: the more time you waste in clubs, the longer it's gonna take to find your woman.

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