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i know it has been a long time. but its just the way that the break up happened that still hurts. it has been a month and 19 days since the breakup.but the pain is still there. i did go nc for 22 days. but as many of you know i decided to text her. one of the reasons is because of the way everything happened.


so this is the story. im cuddling my my ex. she freaks out on me.tells me she does not feel comfterable in her own skin. telling me she is scared of the world. long story short. she scared me because of the way she freaks out. see she was abused by her dad as a kid. her mom did not know.i felt like i had no other choice then to tell her. because she was also talkin about how she wanted to die. i mean i seriosly never seen any one act like this.well she break up with me because she tells me this. told me to wait for her.well i tell her that her mom really needs to know. because i really wanted her to get help. and if i left and her mom would of seen her daugther like this. she would of thought i hurt her.


so my ex leaves out of the room crying. her mom tells me to leave her daughter alone. i tell her thats its not my fault she acting like this. she says yes it is. i tell her . no if you only knew. well she gos to her daughter. screams at her to see what im talking about. long story short. later on she tells me if i thought i was going to get back with her daughter like this. i told her no i just wanted her to get help.ok this was a long distance relationship. i went to go visit her when this happened. well anyways i come back home. her mom calls and tells me i was a sick person for trying to get back with her daughter with this.


then she tells me about thingsi did wrong. things i did not even know botherd my ex because she never even told me. like one day she smelled like period i let her know. shewhent to the br it only took her five mins. she came out she no longer smelled.her mom also told me how i would not let my ex spend time with her. and it was not even like that. my ex was extremly clingy. i told her to spend time with her mom. she did not want to. my ex did not even let me sleep till three in the morning because she wanted to spend time with me. there is more that her mom told me

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I am sorry things went so wrong with your gf and you It seems like her mom is mixed up in it as well, and not sure how that happened.


Is her mom a 'micro-manager' in general? Or do you think your gf twisted things to make you look bad, when talking to her mom?


Honestly, from what you describe, your ex gf suffered abuse from her dad, and her mom was in denial over it. That would explain her mom also accusing you, of things you didn't do.....because she is eager to blame things on anyone, her daughter, you, anyone except your gf's dad.


Based on what you wrote, it appears to me that her mom feels threatened that you might go to authorities, or else urge your gf (now ex gf) to go to authorities, (or else, to go get help ie; counseling etc. in which case they might go to authorities) and she is trying to deflect all negativity onto you.....


Also she seems to want to make sure you remain split from your ex, since you do know these personal details (that she (mom) wants to deny....)


Just my thoughts, my 'armchair' opinion.....I feel bad for this girl, seems she is in a tough place. And you, seem like a very caring person. I hope things work out for you, (and for her...) Take care. Pm me if you want to talk about it.

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