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confidence in me


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reading mens health they say women love a man with confidence what is it. i mean being a ok student in college and HS how can i gain confidence.

i had a gal once never dated her just chatted but she told me if u wanted to attract women u had to be more confiidnet well how. just say ur good at this and that. maybe i complain too much. school ain;t my academic achiever. what do u say to women to make ur self more confident. where can i also find good jokes to make women laugh and like me

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I feel that we gain confidence when we see ourself for who we are. When you really know who you are, you don't have to put others down to make yourself feel better. Find things that make you happy and do those things.


Don't feel a knee-jerk reaction to respond as other people are responding, be yourself, be unique. This is how you will be noticed by others. Making major changes isn't going to be easy so expect that there will be tough opportunities staring you in the face that will make you want to run from them screaming in terror. Don't. That would make you less confident. You need to stand up to others and make yourself matter.


Putting others down is not how you will develop self esteem.

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I would say that your sense of humor and making others laugh is key to self-confidence, simply because whether it's a girl or a person who could use some cheering up, someone is always going to appreciate a person with a sense of humor.

So, build on that aspect and see where it takes you. Sounds like you're headed in the right direction.

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Confidence is something you feel when faced with a challenge. The challenge could be anything you desire. If you desire a good job, first understand what you are good at and go after it without doubting your abilities. If you desire to have a certain girl as a girlfriend, don't doubt your personal qualities. Always remind yourself of your good characteristics and personality traits. The best way to have and maintain confidence is to know yourself - and talk positively to yourself about your mistakes. No one ever achieved big things without major screw-ups along the way. Others will notice this about you when you offer advise, solve problems, make jokes and pick yourself up when you fall. Just be careful not to be sarcastic or overly arogant, always be kind. Kindness and confidence go hand in hand.

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where do u learn to be funny and humorous lol watch SNL.


I would say that your sense of humor and making others laugh is key to self-confidence, simply because whether it's a girl or a person who could use some cheering up, someone is always going to appreciate a person with a sense of humor.

So, build on that aspect and see where it takes you. Sounds like you're headed in the right direction.

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where do u learn to be funny lol. i watch tv though SNL, friends, two half men......etc.......someitmes it is funny other times it ain't


I would say that your sense of humor and making others laugh is key to self-confidence, simply because whether it's a girl or a person who could use some cheering up, someone is always going to appreciate a person with a sense of humor.

So, build on that aspect and see where it takes you. Sounds like you're headed in the right direction.

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There are books out there that you can read to improve your sense of humour (sorry I had the name of one on the tip of my tongue, but lost it). Take a gander at your local library and see what you find.


I suppose you can develop humour from a variety of different sources... and stuff like sketch comedies and sitcoms are a decent place to start. I've always had a way to use self-deprecation and humour to deflect attention as a kid (i was pretty shrimpy) and would end up befriending people that would otherwise bully me. Nowadays, I love watching stand-up comedy and whether it has an affect on my funnybone, I wouldn't know... but it certainly doesn't hurt.


As for the whole confidence question... I don't feel quite qualified to answer, since any gains in my confidence over the years has been an indirect result of just getting older and learning more about who I am and who I can be. It's something everyone figures out in their own way. Some people never figure it out. But hey, you are already aware of what's going on, so you're well on your way.

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