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Poll: What is the max time you could live without sex having LDR?

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For me it's about 3 months. For this I would really have to love her otherwise I think there is a temptation to cheat.


I see my gf every 4 weeks normally for 4-5 days a time. I find the first week apart the hardest then it gets easier and then harder again.

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For me it's about 3 months. For this I would really have to love her otherwise I think there is a temptation to cheat.


I see my gf every 4 weeks normally for 4-5 days a time. I find the first week apart the hardest then it gets easier and then harder again.


agreed, that first moment when they just left is the worst!! right after he is gone and the house is still a mess and the bed still smeels like him then i miss him the most, try to leave the sheets on as long as they still hold his smell.....then things settle down and get back to normal and then when it's been a while i get those urges again and start to miss him very much as well...of course on the phone you can do fun things as well, but sometimes i really need to hold him and feel him....especially if it's been a while....

that's the curse of LDR, we do plan to live together or marry one day so it won't last forever.....but also the longer you are in one and the more feelings are involved, the harder it gets, we have gotten so much closer this past year and now it's harder than it was in the beginning....but when it's true love, it's worth the wait, i would never, ever cheat and neither would he....if a relationship can't survive some time apart without either of you thinking of cheating, then LDR is not advisable

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