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I just dreamed about my ex, and then I saw her...

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What a crazy day,


A bit of background. I have been doing NC with my ex for 4 months.


This morning I woke from a very powerful dream. One where I met my ex and the first thing I did was to run up and hug her. I didn't pause, I just ran up and hugged her and it felt totally natural. Then she asked me to do her a favour, I asked what it was, and she said it was to forgive her. It was very powerful, and I have been thinking about it all day long. It was very profound.


And then tonight I ran into her on the street. Well actually I was just walking , and she ran up to me and said my name. I was in shock. I had been thinking about her all day long, and to see her standing there was wild. I walked up and hugged her just as in my dream. We hugged for a long time. She had tears in her eyes. We did lots of small talk, what we were doing, etc etc. I learned that she lives 6 blocks from me (crazy),. and that she knew where I was working, and what I have been up too. She was with a friend in the pub where she had come from, but she didn't run back there right away. We talked more, and then I told her she should be with her friend. I hugged her again as I left, and told her about my dream. I also told her that I would like to see her again, and to email me if she wanted to. And, as we walked away from each other,we both looked back, into each others eyes. Powerful.


Wooly Cows! What has just happened here? This is crazy. All at once. I don't know what to think. I don't know what to do. The dream was powerfull enough - made me realize I still love this woman. But to see her, on the same day, and have her react the way she did. I don't know what to think. I thought I was slowly getting over her, and now here she is again. I don't want to read too much into the day, but I have to admit it is strange.


I need some advice on this one. I am just planning on waiting and seeing if she contacts me back to start. If she doesn't then easy, but if she does, then what? Are these positive signs for me? Should I run away screaming ? Should I have any hope for us? Arrrg.... this is difficult. I feel so strongly about her even with all the pain I have gone through.





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Thats pretty profound. You mentioned in a post earlier that she emailed you out of the blue on your birthday too.


I don't know. if that was me I would be reading all sorts of things into the dream/contact. You know divine intervention, fate, karma yada yada. I would probably be walking on cloud 9 after an experience like that. I dream of my ex. all the time too but our paths have not crossed.


Dream interpreters say when you dream of an ex. it is because the ex. in the dream represents YOU and how you felt at the time with your ex. in the dream. These can represent how you feel about yourself and also it can represent unresolved issues about yourself you might be bringing into a NEW relationship.


They say dreams are rarely about the person you see in the dream but about you and how you feel about yourself, the other person, current relationships and state of mind.


These kinds of things are rarely prophetic but it sure is a major conincidence you ran into her. I am not sure what advice to give. Maybe thi is a sign you are meant to be together eventually or maybe the "forgive me" in the dream and then the tearful meeting has granted you both the emotional closure for the future. That is you were meant to meet one last time to acknowledge your feelings and to forgive.


Anyway, hell of an experience. I am at the 4 month mark now too and I just don't know how I would be if I met her. I suspect I might cry and i really don't want that.


Good luck

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Mike, you seriously have a problem letting go. DrNick was right when he said it was way too early for you to be doing this. You already know the answer to your question but don't wanna accept it and will accept if someone says go for it. This girl represents non-commitment...respect that. Stop trying so hard to have her back and just let go. You cannot live your life in the present if you are so consumed with the past. Know when to call it quits and stay away. 4 months is soooo early based on the amount of drama you have had to experience and she knows you are stuck on her. Saying maybe in a few years it'll work..c'mon! Learn to say to yourself, "You deserve better."

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Thanks for the posts


@ twizod


I appreciate your opinions, even if they seem harsh. You are right in the fact that I must continue to move on. On the other hand I can't run away from how I feel - Especially when I have had such a profound experience.


What I guess I am trying to do it keep from being a doormat, and keep from her thinking that I always be there, while at the same time being true to my heart and my emotions. Because no matter how many times I tell myself I don't care, the truth is I do.


I am not going to put my life on hold, or beg her to come back - but I know that I love her, and not matter what happens I probably always will.


I actually feel pretty calm. I suppose I will just see if she contacts me back. If she doesn't fine. If she does then, well, then it gets harder



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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, here is a little update:


She has not contacted me again. Sort of a curse and a blessing at the same time, as I am not sure what I would do if she did.


However, she has mentioned to many people that she met up with me. Especially confusing is that she told my mom I "looked good"???? Anyway, at an attempt to not read too much into the situation - I am just assuming that it was a profound experience for her too, not a realization that we are destined to be together.


However, I have had a very difficult time getting her out of my head since it happened. I feel so close to her, which is so strange since I am so far.


I feel a strange calmness - My love feels strong- why I have no idea. I know that I love this woman with all my being. I also know that we may never be together again. I realize that I never did show her how much I really loved her - and it is most likely too late for both of us to ever fix our mistakes. But I cannot change how I feel.


I am debating about contacting her again. No begging pleading, asking, or anything really. Just letting her know I'm around and smiling. Don't know if it is a good approach though - or maybe better to let her come to me if she ever chooses.


Any thoughts



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