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Only had sex with one girl.

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It's not weird at all. Some people marry as virgins (don't ever allow two virgins to marry - one of them should know what they are doing ), well others prefer many annoymous partners. Whatever tickles your fancy. Neither is bad, just be safe about it.

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At 22, 16 (16 girls, probably 30 times, tops): almost all cheap and meaningless, depressing and not worth it. Don't remember them, I probably was not very good at it anyway. A few months with a girl you care about and you'll have the best time in the world.

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lol geez what a conversation this is... Well I am still going to add my two cents in but, Remember I am 32 you know. Out of all the women I have had only one was a meaningless one night stand.


I have slept with 9 women and that is an honest number. All were with women I have been dating or with in a longterm relationship.


Don't worry about how many you have slept with because after a while you lose count. I did have to run all their names through my head because I haven't thought about some of them in a long time.


Hubman 8)

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