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First kiss.... guys help

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ohhh wow


i got my first french kiss tonight. it was weird ya know like sureal. i couldnt see because we were in the dark, and my eyes were open for like half of it. im like still in the inexpeirenced stage. i forgot to close them. but it felt like they were closed becuase it wasso dark. until i looked up at him.


do most guys think oh she was a bad kisser?


becuase thats the only thing i am scared of happening, that he thinks i sucked because i didnt really know what was going on. even though i did. it was sureal.



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oh i remember my first kiss, we had a black out and everyone was in the same room, little brothers and sisters cousins, aunts uncles parents. and the room was lit with lavender candles. but did he kiss you or did you kiss him? and i looked at him AFTER we were done. we laughed though becuase everyone was in the room. oh that was a great night. hey if he loves you, then dont worry about it.

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In all honesty, if there was something wrong with the kiss, we think the same thing!


Unless of course your bf is the swinger type and has too much exp for his own good. Just don't worry about it, it's not a life skill to be able to kiss, with practice you'll excell, don't worry about it.

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Don't worry about it. Like Dezeard said, if he thinks the kiss went badly, he will probably be blaming himself. He's probably thinking the same thing as you. No one is perfect the first couple of times of kissing. Thats something that gets good after practice.


I remember my first kiss. I was so worried that I was horrible too, but honestly, if he cares about you, its not going to matter. He's not going to hate you because you aren't that great at kissing. You will get more experienced as you go on though, so don't worry about it.

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Exciting it's it! I still remember my first kiss to.


The art of kissing: Go with the flow! Just don't let it go any farther than you want it to, if ya know what I'm talkin about.


OH, and by the by, guys thing the same things as girls.

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