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My boyfriend is going into the NAVY

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Well, let me first say I respect him for wanting to serve his country, but I also understand how it effects you. If you still want a relationship with him, which I assume you do, just write to him. That and he will also get shore leave and will be able to visit you after a while.


I know it is hard to be separated, but the very idea of being in love means that you can be apart and still be in love. I love my grandma but I rarley see her, doesnt mean we dont still love eachother.


Well I hope this helps.

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honestly.. my x-bf is there too.. but don't worry we separated not because he'd been there.. it's another matter.. nwei, to tell you honestly, after the training you'll probably miss him more.. for he'll be gone longer.. but OCS is right.. distance doesn't matter in love.. if you truly love each other distance won't hinder you in any way..your faithfulness and trust with each other would be tested.. just think that this is going to be a good opportunity for you to prove to him how much you love him by staying faithful while he's away.. and he can do the same with you..

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Also, for anyone who knows about the Navy can you tell me if you can choose where you want your training to be after you go through boot camp?


Unfortunately, the military will put your boyfriend wherever they need him. My boyfriend is in the air force and is about 1500 miles away from me right now. Thankfully he didn't get sent overseas, but he didn't chose to be where he is now.


He will get a dream sheet of where he would like to be stationed, but um...to be perfectly blunt, I think the military just uses that as an attempt to build up hopes. Very few people I've ever met have chosen to go where they were stationed.


However, like others have said. He will get leave time. I'm not sure how long boot camp lasts for the navy, but when he's done with that and tech school, he'll be able to come home for a little while.


Being a military girlfriend is probably the worst kind of distance relationship because you always come second. The navy basically owns him for the amount of time he is signed up for, and you can only see him when they say he can leave. It sucks, it's hard and you get your hopes crushed a lot. However, if you really love him, it's totally worth it when you get to see them. As much as I hate being away from my guy, I love him more than anything and I know he's worth the distance and the waiting. Hopefully in a year and a half to 2 years I'll be able to move out to be with him.


I won't lie to you and tell you it won't be hard, but it -is- possible. If you want, I can post a site where a lot of military girlfriends, fiances, and wives go for support from others in the same situation. The good thing about being a military girlfriend, besides the pride you feel for loving someone so much who is doing something as honorable as serving their country, is that military girlfriends stick together.


I wish you luck in your decision and I hope things work out for you and your soon-to-be sailor!

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I am in the same kind of situation. My boyfriend went into the air force last Monday it has only been a week but I am already feeling the distance. I still haven't got a letter from him so that is even harder. We are a strong couple and I am pretty sure that we can make it through this but it is so much harder than I had ever imagined. I wish I could answer some of your questions but like you I have so many that are unanswered. I just hope that it is all worth it but I know my boyfriend is doing it all for the right reasons. Best of luck to you.

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I see you're brand new to the forum so welcome and *hugs* for being a new military girlfriend as well.


I know -exactly- how you feel. When my airman left in January, I had -so- many questions and it helped me understand more what I was up against when I started researching everything. If you want, you can PM me and maybe I can help answer some of the questions you may have or if nothing else, point you in the direction that could give you some pointers.


Truth is, some questions we have don't really have answers until later on. The untold military slogan is: "hurry up and wait" which basically means they rush you through everything and then you sit and wait. Kind of like at an airport, you want to get to security early enough so if something happens you have plenty of time. When nothing happens, you're left waiting hours for your flight. The military is like that in sooo many ways.


But feel free to PM me and maybe we can even chat on instant message sometime. Just let me know. I've found it really helps to talk to people in similar situations because it makes me feel like I'm not doing this all alone. I've met a lot of military girlfriends, wives and fiances during the last 6 months alone!


Best wishes!

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My man is in the Navy and he was able to put in a request of where he'd like to be stationed . . . or put them in the order he'd prefer. They don't always give the MM what they want, but they can try. ;-)


Hope that helps . . . keep your head up, hold on to the time you have together.




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  • 4 weeks later...

my boyfriend joined the r.f.a last week and now lives over 2 hundred miles away from me. i have cried for the last two weeks i dont know how to cope with it we were together for two years and he will be at sea for six months at a time so i will only get two see him for about a week in the next year, but hes not the one for txting, phoneing and sending letters so i have hardly heard from him. but he dose sound so happy with what he is doing so i dont want to ruin things bye telling him how i feel cause i may lose him forever ... xxx

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I met my girlfriend right after marine bootcamp and have been with her ever since, love has no boundaries, im 15,000 miles away from her and would leave the military right now to be with her. She supports me and were best friends, you have to start relying on phone calls alot Your boyfriend really needs to think it over before he decides to join because I would give anything just to be home with my girl now. It really hurts but if its love then it will last

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i dont think it matters 200 miles or 1500 miles it still hurts. i still love him he seems to be having so much fun and im at home just thinking about him.i know i should go out and have some fun but im worried that our feelings for each other will change if i start forgetting about him .......... also im worried he will come back a different person xx

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  • 4 weeks later...

I think my boyfriend's ship left port again yesterday, and he didn't even bother to tell me.


I don't mind him being so far away, if he can send me just a letter a week, and chat with me when he can, I'd be happy and content... but while his ship was in a port for 5 days last week, he talked to me once... and didn't bother to message me or wake me up when he had time. =/ it really hurts.


Im not sure if I want to try and make this relationship work when it seems that I'm the only person who cares to communicate.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My boyfriend and myself are both in the Navy, and I can tell you, it's hard! When he first gets to bootcamp, he's not going to have time to write you letters every day. But don't worry, he'll be thinking about you all the time. The only good times at bootcamp for a recruite are when you actually get a secound to sit and think about those you love back home. After bootcamp he'll have to go to his "A" school for training. Wish i could tell you that he'll get leave right after bootcamp, but that's just not going to happen. He should be able to take leave after his "A" school though, before heading off to his duty station. And there's no way of telling where he could be stationed. He could be stationed in the states or overseas (as i am). And more than likely he'll be assigned to a ship, because ......well...this is the Navy!


But I want to tell you that it can work between the two of you. My boyfriend and I are both serving in the Navy. We met when i reported to this base over here in Sicilly, and we've been together for a year now. But he just recently moved to his new duty station in California. So now we are half the world away from each other, and I miss him terribly. I don't really know what the future holds, and I'm scared. There's nothing anyone will be able to tell you to make that scared feeling go away. Just take things one day at a time. I know many people in the military who have gone through this same thing that you'll be going through. Heck, I'm going through it right now! Just keep your chin up and be proud of your boyfriend for choosing to believe in something bigger than himself and for choosing to serve this great nation of ours!

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  • 2 weeks later...

hi me again..

my boyfriend came back after 6 weeks at college for a week,now he has gone to sea for 6 weeks, he has to share a room with 13 other people which he is not too pleased about, i miss him so much but i love him loads more ... why is love so hard.. im scared ill lose him forever he said i wont that he will be here forever but its still not stoped me from being worried xx

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