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Need advice please very badly..

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Ok so to start out with I was with my ex for 2 years I love him dearly he is my heart and my everything,He broke up with me about 5 months ago I would say and I am still not over him and still love him the same if not more,He broke up with me telling me he does not want to be in a relationship but if he did it would be with me.


Well I have a few things going on with the fact that lately I want to see him and talk to him again and be near him,I miss him so much.My life at this point is not going so well so I have been thinking about moving away for awhile.


I asked him his opinion on what he would think and he told me to stop questioning him and that he would talk to me about it at a more appropriate time,Then followed by that he said stop bringing the drama in my life that do I understand im the only one he argues with,That hurt and upset me.


I was not trying to start an argument just discuss with him what he thought if I did move which now makes me want to leave even more.


He still tells me he loves me and we still hang out here and there and talk on the phone here and there so im confused what do I do now?Where do I go from here?I do want things to get better and I do not want anyone else but him so what else is there for me to do at this point?


Can someone please give me there advice and opinions I really need them and will be happy to hear from others thanks so much

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hey. listen, i know its hard, but the only thing you can do right now is give him space. it seems like the reason he ended it was because he was feeling smothered. even though he may still really care about you. honestly i would use an approach of not ignoring him, but dont be trying too hard. dont push it, dont keep asking him about it. you already have and he gave you his answer. so now you either move on (which is the best thing to do at this point, why should you just sit around waiting?!), or at least just let things flow naturally. be his casual friend, if he wants to talk, talk to him no problem, and if theres an issue that you feel you need him for fine, but dont be constantly on his back. i wouldnt be surprised if once you start doing this he'll start paying more attention to you and start missing you. you have to give him the oppertunity to miss you. i know so well how hard it is, but the way i got my current bf was by playing it cool like he was. it drove me insane, so when i did it, he came to me immediately. but after awhile it wares off, so use it wisely. the best thing to do is let things flow, and even though you love him, try and love him from afar for a little while. its fine to think about him, someone who you were with for so long obviously meant alot to you and vice versa. and he seems to really still care about you. from your post, that would be my advice, just try playing it cool now, like you're fine with just being friends. and sooner then later he may bring up getting back together. but dont get your hopes up too high, i dont know the details of your relationship but there was a reason it ended, so even while you do these things, remember you free and single and need to mingle. but the way it sounds, it was like he genuinely needed a break. just try to relax, things happen for a reason, and even if things dont work out, it will be hard but theres so much more in your life worth living, hes not your world, he was part of it and will always be part of you. appreciate that, embrace it. best of luck!

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OMG goddess23... For a young lady you really have some wise words of wisedom. I applaude you on your advice because I could not have said it much better to Ang3l myself.


Ang3l listen to the advice you were given it sound a lot like what I tell you all the time too...


hubman 8)

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thanks hub! im one of those super mature teenage girls. sometimes i think that i think too much lol, but it seems to be coming in handy, and ive been giving advice on love to friends since like the third grade lol, and just this year is my first bf, so i waited awhile and so happy i did. its weird because even though i havnt been in relationships (except the one im in now), i do know the consequences of certain actions. and yes do listen ang, email me again if you need anymore help.

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