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Korean gurls are not romantic????

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I don't want to be sterotypical, but i have found that all the korean girls i know seem to have no concept of romantic love. I mean i talk to them about falling in love and being so in love that it really affects you, and they just don't seem to "get it"...like they act like romantic love is something to be ignore.i really hope this is only typical of the korean girls i know, and not of them in general..because if it, that is scary.......i mean how can a person just not want to be loved??? everyone desire that right???? i only know ONE korean gurl who is interested in romance..the rest (and the guys too) just don't care...like alot the guys see relationships a way in which they dominate girls and sort of make them servants....in any case they too seem dull on romantic love...is this common among korean girls...or just my own experience..i raelly hope its only my own experience



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Well, with the Korean friends that I have, for the most part, it depends on the girl, but some cultures just have different ways of showing love. Some cultures focus more on the 'public' love, so to speak. I have one Korean friend who's atypical from most of our group Korean friends. I know that Asians in general, have different ways of showing love. It's not they they don't enjoy passion, but it's just a different set of values. For the most part, I think that they enjoy romance, but more like 'private,' not in public, outspoken and announced type of romance. But I can't generalize either. That's just what I know from personal experience.


In a lot of Asian cultures, we're taught to limit PDA's (i.e. kissing in public in front of people, like sitting on each other's laps in public, or doing other kinds of mushy stuff. Holding hands is okay). We're taught to be reserved about that, and to keep it on a down low. It's kinda frowned upon. Just like in any situation when people see a couple making out, looking like they're humping in public, and people say, "Go get a motel." That's what I mean, but also including excessive kissing in public.


But of course, there are always exceptions to the rule. There are also Americanzed, or shall I say westernized Asians, who aren't always as prude about things. Some of us our probably stuck in between two cultures. thereforeeee, we might be somewhat okay with PDA's as long as they're toned down a bit. And usually, that's reserved for our boyfriends, not someone who we're just dating. But again, everyone's different.


Cutlure's just a part that affects our values, but doesn't entirely define every aspect of who we are, and what we look for in relationships. I think that it depends on each person's personal experiences, their temperment, and what they look for in romance.There are Korean women who enjoy passionate love, Asians in general, but perhaps some of us are just a bit more shy about the approach. Hope this helps.-Mahlina

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thanks for the advise, but i think that here it goes beyond simply not showing affection in public...i mean, they just don't seem to love each other......they never talk about romantic love, even in private conversation..and they seem openly hostile to it..except one korean girl i know...but the rest just have this attitude that romantic love is silly and is for simple minded people....


also, many of the guys seem to see girls as servants...i really mean that...when they talk about getting married they talk about having someone who will clean the house for them and make dinner for them and do all the work for them...to me this sounded absurd...but the girls seem to buy into this ideology?? that they are to serve men..in any case neither of the guys or girls talked about getting married for romance..or how to romantic.....like do they not read romantic stories when they are children (like Cinderelle, ect. stories that emphasize romantic love????)))


also they are afraid of marriage and want to put if off as long as possible.....like they don't see marriage as a commitment of two people passionately in love with each other..if they did they would want to get married, despite the disadvantages marriage brings.....


okay..my rant is over....hahahhahaha


but it will forever bother me that romance can be just thrown away like it is nothing...

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