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Just Ramblings...


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Something in my throat.

I feel like choking, but choking is the easy way out.

I yell, scream, and cry all within the confines of my head.

Twitching limbs and churning insides,

No one knows what I really hide.

I put on a smile and hear phrases like "You are perfect."

Please just let me go and punch me in the dead spot again.


Life is only work and death is the vacation.

We go to work each day,

Edging closer to closing time.


Lined up like sheep chasing an imaginary forever.

We wade through crap and we like it.

I could go on but...


If I could save one person in life,

Well that's not really enough is that?

At least not on a grand scale.

We close our eyes to travesty,

And pretend its commercial time.

We grab a beer and tell ourselves it's okay,

But it's not.

God hates his world for we become.

We have become flies that hover over a stinking corpse called Earth.

I could elaborate but...

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