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I hope that my ex boyfriend will call me and want me back. Its been three weeks since he broke up with me, and one week since we lasted talked. We talked last sat, for an hour. and it was great. Thought he would miss me and give me a call but he hasn't caved. .I am starting to think that I am not worth a phone call, or even missing. ..how can he say all these wonderful things and not .... care enough to call me ... where does love go... I would really like to know ... I want to go get it back .

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My Boyfriend broke up with me because he says he wants to be with me but he needs his space right now.He needs to figure things out , like a career. He said that I am the best Gf he ever had .. and have taught him so much. He said he misses me .. but why hasn't he called.. should I call

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Don't wait. You may be waiting forever. He's made his decision, and he has been thinking about it for a while. He knows his feelings best, and even though there's the slight chance that he might want to reconcile, it's unlikely. By waiting you haven't accepted that it's over.


If he DOES contact you, be prepared that it may just be as friends, and not to get back together. You must make a decision NOW, whether you are ok with settling for being friends (I don't advise this), or will you only be prepared to be in contact if HE initiates and makes several moves, and he doesn't stop until he gets you back? Your choice.

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