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Does she actually like me or not

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recently there has been a new crew member at my workplace and within the first week we have got to know each other well and she has been flirting with me quite a lot. It is just that the more she flirts with me the more i start to really like her. now i have just recently found out that she has a long term boyfriend that lives 45 miles away from her because she has recently moved here but she see's him weekly.


the confusing thing is she tells all my work mates that she fancies me and she will always watch me as i leave work but when i told her that i liked her she told me that she would go out with me if she wasn't serious with her bf and that she would rather be friends but she doesn't act like a friend but more like a person who really likes because of her flirting.


I just really like her so much and am always feeling lonely without her now and i get really happy when she flirts with me every day we are at work and i wonder where we are going and wether we will actually start a relationship or not. i know if we don't then i will be really gutted and won't know what to do.


please help cus as you can probably see i am confused about why she flirts with me and tells my colleague's she fancies me and will go cheat on her bf if she was in the right mood but always tells me she just wants to be good friends when i tell her how much i like her. i can't just forget about her cus she means too much too me now but wether this has happened to anyone else and what the outcome might be.

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Well there are girls who like to firlt with guys they really admire, but not like, even though they have a bf. These girls are usually insecure and always need constant attention, and some girls are friends with guys by flirting. However, at the same time she might like you but don't get your hopes up, she probably has intrest in you but is bound by her bf, but since its a long turm relationship this is unlikely, unless she is experiencing problems with her bf and wants to make him jealous. Another possiblity is shes sorta holding you as a last resort inchase she dose break up with her bf. All in all, you two seem pretty close and she dose seem to like you a lot, but not love like but kindda like best friends kind which can later lead to a relationship if you play your cards right.

If you want her, wait and see if she breaks up with her bf, which is still possible. Sine its a long term relationship, she'll be all bummed out so you can cheer her up, then wait until you feel its right and ask her out on a date and see what happens.

However, don't wait too long for them to break up, I would give it a month, then try seeking someone else. Being around her for too long will cause you to pine someone you can't have, so you'll either have to ignore her or ask her why she flirts with you so vigorously. Basically, don't set yourself up too high or the fall will hurt a lot. Hope that helps.

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I know exactly what u r going through, I'm in the same position. The last post helped me to accept what I have subconsciensly feared. But, in my situation I feel that there is something more going on.


I am recently separated, our relationship was always bubbling under the surface but now is really taking off. She offered for me to stay at hers at weekends. Her BF is always on his bike, so we end up spending most evenings together, the weekend, work and otherwise e-mailing. We play sports, talk about art, cuddle, massage, fondle and grope even wrestle!!! We get ourlselves into really comprimising situations. We are even going on holiday with two other girls, but not her BF!!


She has always complained about her BF, left him a couple of times and all of her friends tell her that he's no good. But recently 'things are going a lot better'. It could be that she wants her BF to be jealous, but he is hardly around. He certainly knows that we spend a lot of time together.


I asked her if she thought we saw eachother too much, she said that she is not worried beacause her BF has confidence in her. But, if she was tempted then it would be a sign that her relationship was not satisfactory!


What is happening?

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