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i just have no idea what to do please help


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I have an issue where i read to much into what he says or does or whatever but sometimes i dont know if i am over reacting or what. Me an my bf live together an have been for a few months, things were going great. Up until the other day, he has this bestfriend who is a girl ( i do not like her one single bit) it was her bday on tuesday an mine was on wednesday, he missed half of my bday dinner to install a tv in her house that he had bought for her, i didnt get anything for my bday, so before he went to work on wednesday morning we had a huge fight an he left me. I tryed ringing him that day he ignored me, he ended up ringing that night an said that he needed a breather. He had ignored all my txts an calls, an ended up txting me, my phone is dying i forgot my charger, so next afternoon after work he came over to pick his charger up an i had the rest of his stuff ready for him to take with him, then he says so what do you want to do? I told him already that i didnt want him to leave an that i had wanted to work stuff out. So anyway he decided to move back in later that night after he spent like half the night at a mates place fixing a computer. the next day i txt him do u really truly love me with all of your heart? i need to know, He never replyed, i just had to ask cause everyone is telling me he is using me for a roof over his head. When he got home from work i asked him why he didnt reply, he told me it was a stupid question to ask. This weekend i am house sitting for my parents he is meant to be coming over tonight so i can get house keys an my daughters car seat out of his car, he says its to far for him to drive, (bout an 40mins drive) an to far for him to get to work in the morning, i just really dont know if he is just self centred an does care about me or he just using me, although he does buy me alot of things for the house, including furniture. I just find it hard to know what he feels or anything

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I think the lack of a birthday gift is telling. It implies that he either forgot, or was considering an exit before his failure to plan for it by not doing it. It just happened to be a convenient day to do that since already had an argument going, and then you reopened the door for him. Unless there is some current huge financial issue, and say the TV was bought 5 months ago or so... This just comes off to me the wrong way to me. If you want out where someones heart lies, looking at what they do with their money gives you a pretty good clue.

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Well he says the tv was a mutual gift everyone chipped in 100 dollars, an shes saying it was from him an now has changed her mind an says she found out it was from her family an friends aswell, I have no idea. He bought our couch 2 weeks ago which cost 1000 dollars so i am thinking he is thinking that was a good enough gift an says he planned on taken me out to dinner before our fight.

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