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Women, how to approach you?


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The point I wanted to make is that it generally isn't the best idea to ask women how to approach them since every responder will simply give you a subjective opinion of what they like, not some tried and tested way to approach all women. A guy is used to approaching many women while one woman's opinion on this issue is essentially like asking one what her favorite cereal is and then expecting every woman to like that cereal.

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The point I wanted to make is that it generally isn't the best idea to ask women how to approach them since every responder will simply give you a subjective opinion of what they like, not some tried and tested way to approach all women. A guy is used to approaching many women while one woman's opinion on this issue is essentially like asking one what her favorite cereal is and then expecting every woman to like that cereal.


I agree that's it's a very individual thing like asking girls/women what cake they like best - getting carrot cake as the answer then buying that cake for a g/f who hates carrot cake but loves chocolate!

It's a fair point.

While there is no set or right way to go about it, there are ideas that might be gleaned that the OP might not have thought of that might feel appropriate to try if he feels he lacks enough ideas he feels confident about using and would like to, say, experiment a little.

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Self confidence is a big part of being attractive. Don't act self centered, though. Its a matter of showing her you enjoy her company and are willing to take the time to get to know her. Don't play the jerk and don't be overly nice, just act how ever you are comfortable because if its not who you are, the guise will slip and she will bolt.


Say "hi, I noticed you doing such and such or blah blah blah". Make her aware you observed something about her that sparked your interest. Ask open ended questions and let her talk and listen to what she says so that you can ask new questions. Relate aspects of yourself to her life, it can give you common ground to talk about things you enjoy.

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