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Standing in a Crossroad which way do I go


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My bf and I have had a lot of issues in our relationship. I love him dearly. He came a month ago from Europe after 5 months long distance to see me and make it work. He brought me a beautiful ring with 3 stars and said its me, you and our futur child. Within days I felt that his attention was not focused on me but more so with my roomates. As weeks passed he seemed mad all the time and would accuse me of things. In every argument he would threaten to leave. Finally three days ago we got in an argument and he got up and left to NYC and stayed with a long time friend of his whos a girl by the way. His ticket to leave back to Europe is tomorrow. I asked him what do you want. He said I dont want to be used. I asked again what do you want. He said i want to be in a healthy relationship. I said with who. He said with you. I dont know if i should let him go back to Europe or take him back in my apartment. I felt that he walked out on me without a valid reason. I dont know what to do he seems emotionally very unstable. Has he fallen out of love with me.

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After a 5 month LDR, you hardly knew this guy when he moved in... and in fact, the guy you got while he was living with you (the attention to your roommates, jealousy, running out on you) are the REAL him. It's easy to keep up a romantic fantasy when you're not sharing the same space, but the real him came out when you started spending real time with him, and that person wasn't good for you nor a good relationship. A romantic ring will not build a lifetime of happiness, but a good relationship will, and he proved a bad roommate and relationship.


I'd let him go and find someone local rather than a fantasy relationship.

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I can't say that I'm experienced in the "right" way to go about this kind of thing, because I two am having troubles after a 2 YEAR LDR. But my first instinct is along the lines of lavenderdove, move on. I'm sure its not what you want to hear, and no one but you can say whats truly the right move, but he surely wasn't trying REAL HARD for your love, respect, admiration. Maybe find someone who will?


P.S. Not sure it will help any, but I just posted about my 2 year long distance relationship, that I'm not sure about ending either. You can read about it, titled: "I Asked For No Contact - Two Days In I'm Thinking of BREAKING it"

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