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Oh No..Back to Square One

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Alright guys, here's the deal...

I was doing fine in the middle of no contact, and I was actually starting to feel stronger like I didn't need to speak to my ex anymore, and then...

I RUN INTO HIM! Great...the odds of me running into him are SO SLIM..he lives 80 miles away! I went to play tennis with my friend and my ex was there playing tennis with his cousins, and seeing him just made all the strength that was in me just go away. He smiled and waved, and man did he look good... it just hurts to see him right now...

Anways as soon as I got home all the hope of no contact that I had in me is gone, and all i want to do is tell him how much seeing him made me miss him, but at the same time after reading everything on this site I realized that doing that shows a sign of weakness and wil just push him away more... So my question is would it be a bad idea if i Send him an e-mail and break no contact telling him how seeing his face just made me miss him more than anything else in this world, or should i continue with no contact? And on the same level, if he IM's me online..can i talk to him about this and tell him how much seeing him just made my heart drop, or just pretend like it didnt effect me? Gosh...so confused...HELP?!



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Until you can control your emotions (and that also means controlling telling him all about how much you miss him and love him) then stay no contact. If he contacts you before you are ready, you have to demonstrate it does not affect you. You don't have to do no contact if you can control your emotions, but you yourself said that you already want to tell him how much you miss him and so on. It would probably be okay to drop a light email saying that it was nice to see him, and touch base. But that is it. Nothing about missing him more that "anything else in this world" - that is PRESSURE. No no no.

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