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Newbie Posting.. how too, what if etc

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ok newbie in town lol i would like to know bits of advice on different subjects. well me and my girlfriend have been together for a year and 7 months and in that year we were like on & off for most of it, but the last 7months we have been going none stop and we both feel like we really love each other now. we are totaly different to waht were like last year. my love story with her is one big tangle of spider webs, but i was wondering.


1) whats the best way to make them orgaism OTHER then sex? lickin them out? i would like to try that but i would also like to return the favour n make her orgasim whats the best technique to do?


2) i fingerd her a few times and the 1st few times she never said anything. but now wveeytime i go to,s he like stops me, n says she dosnt like it? have i done something wrong?


as i said up there our relationship is pretty messed up, were engaged - but were both only 16 is that wrong? there is also other things i will talk bout but this aint really the right section.


ANY positive feedback will be greatly accepted

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Well first i wanna know how old you are because i was talking to a friend last night and she said she had sex for 5-10 mins and she didnt even orgasm cause she was 14. I have no idea about you girls but i know you can start off slow and start kissing her. kiss her neck and nibble her throat and all that good stuff. next you can try to finger her but if she refuses, stop. next u can try to kiss her belly and try to go down on her, but if she doesnt want it, i dont know how u can make her orgasm.


You can read other posts about how to eat a girl and that kinda stuff

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she dosnt like been fingerd. she sed she wants me too go down on her, i have no problem, but with past girls its been all like quick this, n stuff but i love this girl so much i wann do things for her that she does to me, i have no problem with givinher sex, but its kinda arkward because if she come round to mine my dad like insists on us keepin the door open lol, n when were at heres, its perfect her parnets are totally cool with us they understand were both 16 etc, but she incase they walk in lol. simple start of with kissin then like do things on her neck n stuff then she litrally forces my hands on her boobs n want me to like caress n rubb really hard, but i found out if ulike kiss her ear she gets really into it nhorny

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Ok first of all, the best way to make a girl orgasm is through oral with a little fingering incorporated. When she stops you from fingering her, I doubt it's because you did something wrong! Sometimes finger can hurt when girls are at certain stages. After she has had sex it will be easier for her to have an orgasm. Don't feel bad if you can't get her to orgasm yet, because it's common for most girls not to even if they are pleased. In regards to the engaged part, I would have to say what looks like a good idea right now probably won't be in the long run. Slow down and enjoy the time together without such a big step.

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