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Meet a great catch! :)


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So, I met this guy one night out to this place called Sammi's with my cousin and her friend. He was initiating conversation with me and me being the shy type kinda held back not sure how to go about this situation. The next night we go back because saturdays are supposed to be really busy there and fun. I see him there again and we talk a bit more and have some conversation and I learn that he's actually a pretty cool guy. Not normally the type I would go for either, nice surprise. He's 6 foot 5 and I thought he was kinda cute at first but now I think he's gorgeous This meeting happened on the 12th..he asked for my number from my cousin, and out of the blue texts me the day after our initial meeting..and the next day asks me out on a date..which went so well. Before our date we hung out quite a few times before, went bowling, cruised around a bit etc, etc. Fast forward to now we've hung out so much and I'm so excited to get to spend time with him just hanging out getting to know each other. He mentions he likes me and is into me, and enjoys spending time with me, and the feeling is mutual. We both have a great time with each other and things are going so well, I'm happy to of met somebody locally that's a great catch. We text quite a few times each day even if it's not all day and his actions match what he says, he has follow through and is straightforward and honest. Another great thing about him is he doesn't want to hook up, which is a great sign, because I don't either. I tell him I like him more than that to just have sex with him now and it's nice, because it makes it easier to be around him without any crazy sexual tension hanging over our heads. I know I'm not 'in-lust' with him, I genuinely like him and enjoy his company and he feels the same Never thought in a million years, I would meet somebody in a night club that wasn't into just looking for fun.


He told me one night when we were hanging out, that he's surprised that as much as I like him I haven't wanted to have sex with him, so I think he's pleasantly surprised all women aren't the same. We have great chemistry, have a lot in common and it's just so great. He wants kids, and in fact he's great with them..just by watching him with my 1 yr old cousin, he also wants to be married someday. He's the type of guy who has never cheated or wanted to which is another plus. He has all these qualities I look for in a guy and it's just so awesome. Maybe in time it'll develop into a relationship but right now it's great spending time with him just getting to know him, no pressure on anything. Maybe when we trust each other completely it'll be an exclusive thing but I'm not holding my breath. I don't wish to get my expectations up, especially so early on, only to be disappointed. Maybe after a couple months things will be going good enough to maybe talk about exclusivity, because he is the total package, sure he isn't perfect but with a person like him, I'd trade it for all the other good things


I just had to tell more people just out of pure excitement I wish myself the best of luck in this and look forward to updating with more good news!

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  • 4 weeks later...

So, update


So far things are going great! We've been out a few times, couple outings to the movies, lunch a couple times and just a lot of hanging out and enjoying each other's company. He's always so affectionate, holding my hand, kissing me on the forehead, hugging me and kissing me. The conversation is great, it's like time flies when we're with each other. He loves having me over at his place, the day before yesterday was the second time, and we just hang out, watch tv, talk and enjoy each other's company. I come see him at his work place when he has a break. We recently became intimate and I think it has brought us closer, he's more emotional towards me, saying deeper things, and hasn't withdrawn at all It is easy to communicate and I feel like I don't have to be hesitant with how I feel, I can just say it. Everything is just going wonderful and I'm happy for that. He waits to say the sweetest things in person rather than being impersonal and saying them via text. The way he smiles at me..this big smile that goes from ear to ear that lingers and just screams happiness, and tells me how happy it makes him to just see me. And I love the fact that he tells me I'm beautiful rather than hot =p. There's just so much that is going right and I'm ecstatic!

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