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So while I was cooking for myself I quickly remembered how after my break up (2years ago) I did 2 months of NC and then showed up at her house (yeah unannounced) to sing to her with some flowers as well..


I recall getting there and her brother telling me how she was pissed when he discreetly tried to ask her what she was up to that day so I could more or less have an idea if she was gonna be at home that evening and when he did ask her she immediately got upset and said angrily "oh am sure ------ is coming over!" (psychic powers).So there I was and remained outside her door uncertain if I should follow through with my intent.


Hindsight I should've abandoned it and run the opposite way but at the time I thought I was showing how much I cared and loved her . as soon as I walked in gave her the flowers, and took a seat next to the guest she was entertaining,an old acquaintance.


Sang the song,in front of the mom mind you and left with her brother showing me the door,not her...I was almost showing myself the door when I had to ask her brother if he could escort me outside..


Sad,sad,sad,sad,sad,sad,..oh and pathetic.next day I so happened to see the same guy in the city and although I never met the guy before last night he said he couldn't help it and told me he had observed with a keen eye all the transpired that evening and simply told me to STOP,"leave the country if you have to,but what you're doing isn't gonna bring her back but push her further back"....although I didn't leave right away I now realized how right he was and wished I really hadn't done any of that ***t. which I still hold a grudge on myself for,but thinking of it makes me want to better myself and life all the much more.


thank for reading

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I have to say,the singing makes me chuckle and feel embarrassed but mostly as something humorous.but writing it was a whole different matter..I actually felt sorry for myself,what an awful feeling,but also made me conviction stronger that I will never do something like that ever again...another thing,how can one face another person having done that.


Still don't know what kind of face I'm suppose to have upon seeing this person,I know I shouldn't care anymore.but will she ever forget that,I know for certain no one will ever top what I did in terms of weakness

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Dude, you gotta give yourself a break. You love this girl, decided to be proactive, and showed her how you felt. That's nothing to be ashamed of. Besides, you learned a valuable lesson about honoring someone's need for space, for YOUR sake as well as theirs. You're going to be alright.

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after only 4 weeks of our bu, i stripped to my boxers and read a poem about how i was bearing my soul to her, this was all i am and i give it to you.....i feel silly now for doing it, she buried her head in her hands and cried....probably because she was seeing her new guy and felt guilty as sin, however i am glad i did it because i gave her every chance to reconcile with me.......i do laugh about it now, its been 3 momths, however funny i know i did everything.....one day my son will ask why has daddy got to leave mummy why cant he stay? and all she will be able to say is son your dad tried to stay once, but mummy ran into the arms of another man.....my conscience is clear and so should yours be! give yourself a break!




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