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Me and my girlfriend keep arguing over a friend of mine thats a girl. This girl comes from over seas every 6 months or so to catch up with everyone here. We were involved intimately when I was about 14 (I'm now 25)


My girlfriend keeps thinking I'm betraying her by seeing this girl and now gives me the cold shoulder and shes even hooked up with a bartender.


How do I get her to get back her trust in me without losing my friend that comes to visit. I'm really lost and in need of help

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Your girlfriend hooked up with a bartender because you're talking to a girl that she doesn't much care for? No offense, but your girlfriend sounds crazy. My ex tried to hook up with an ex of hers because I said she looked older without make-up. 1 week later she drugged me, robbed me, and shipped me to a place I've never been in my life with no money.That's just a heads up of what someone who is crazy is capable of.


But, if you really want her to trust you again. Then try your best to tell her you have absolutely no sexual feelings for this girl and that you're old friends from back when. I know I'm always on edge when it comes to a girl I'm dating that's talking to someone she had an intimate relationship with. What's worked for me is meeting that person and seeing first hand that there's nothing to be worried about. It's mostly the "What could they be doing?" that gets someone insecure.

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Ok, the fact that your gf hooked up with a bartender is wrong, and a reason for you to re think if you want to be with someone who'd do that. I always say: "why cheat, just leave." Just because she wasn't happy with something you did, cheating isn't ok. That's just my opinion though.


Now that being said, to be honest it would bug me too if my bf had been intimate with someone in his past, I don't know why. I guess it would just makes me insecure to think that if he'd once been intimate, it could happen again.

I agree with DrKitten though about introducing them. Just as long as your gf agrees or wants to, AND also promises to keep things civil (e.g. being friendly and giving the girl a chance.) And you need to make it clear this is just a childhood friend and you're not ok with your gf making you feel like you need to avoid/cut out old friends.

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