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Hey all, its been awhile but im just wondering about a few things, ever since id broken up with danielle her best friend has been coming on to me, like shes always liked me (in fact the night i met danielle i originally met her first but she backed off because danielle was i guess...persuasive) but she even hinted that she LOVES me so i have to know, is it possible that girls mistake a best-friend feeling for love? is it usually genuine or just a passing phase. This whole thing confuses me because i would hardly consider a crush worthwhile going after for a long long time, especially when its so close to my ex. By the way she completely forgot about me if you remember and now says she is in love with her best-friend of 9 years or so corey...who she was going out with on the side with me but wouldnt tell me who it was, i think she might have been ashamed of him or something who knows what thats all about but its beyond me. Anyway there seems to be alot of I Love my Best Friend feelings flying around and if any girls on here have experienced this feeling before can tell me how it worked out for you or if you really meant it that would be great...the last thing id want to do is hurt Autumn but if i cant avoid it then yeah...thanks for all of your help



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