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5 Words I hate the most


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"You Are Trying Too Hard"


What exactly does this mean? In life, the common phrase is "You have to try harder"

but in finding a relationship it's the opposite?


This phrase bothers me and I want to really know what it means. If it means "Dude, no one thinks your attractive"...then say it!

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"You Are Trying Too Hard"


What exactly does this mean? In life, the common phrase is "You have to try harder"

but in finding a relationship it's the opposite?


This phrase bothers me and I want to really know what it means. If it means "Dude, no one thinks your attractive"...then say it!


Thats what my ex said to me...but we were LDR....

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It's hard to say what "trying too hard" means for you without knowing you - but it usually means that you are going over the top.


I have a great example. I had a friend who thought that it was appropriate to give the woman he was dating flowers and that it would make her feel special. WELL... he started giving her flowers EVERY time he saw her. Flowers here, there and everywhere! Flowers when he picked her up for school. Flowers when he visited her at work. Going to the movies? Flowers! Seriously... I bet she had a room FULL of flowers. She broke up with him. LOL! What I don't think he 'got' was that less is more. ONE flower when you least expect it? Totally sweet! It lets you know that he was thinking of you... Flowers EVERY bloody time?? It starts to feel like he's trying to 'buy' you or something. It gets weird and loses it's meaning.


Rather than saying you are "trying too hard"... maybe "less is more" applies. Too much of ANYTHING (even chocolate!) is a bad thing... You are probably just laying it on too thick.

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