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really confused about what she thinks

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i've been goin out with this girl that I really like for about 2 months now.

At times, she seems like she likes me too, but at others she seems like she is either getting bored or annoyed with me. This is my first relationship, so I'm trying the best I know how, but I keep getting mixed signals and I'm confused. She had a boyfriend bout a year and a half ago that went off on somethin for the mormon church. Every once in a while, she talks about him, but doesn't refer to him as an ex (keeps saying "boyfriend") which makes me think she still has somethin for him. Within the past couple of days, she's kinda made weird comments, like saying her dad said we were boring, which I took that she obviously thinks herself otherwise she prolly wouldn't have said it. She also seems like she's avoiding me and I don't think I did anything to piss her off. She's really awesome and I don't want anything to happen to our relationship this early in the game. Maybe I'm just being over-analytical, but anyone have any advice?



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It sounds to me like you may be a rebound, and in that case things probably are just going to get worse. Even if that isn't the case my experience would tell me that her motivation for dating you isn't you. For me it was just that I was convenient, but I didn't realize that until it was too late.

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the best advice i can give you is to start seeing other females, this girl should not be your primary focus. If you are getting these signals now early on then you are at the end of your rope. Now if there is any kind of commitment then you should break it off, other wise start talking to other females and get to know them better.

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Well, maybe you are focusing too much on the girl? How often do you call her or how often do u guys hang out? If you pay too much attention to her, she will of course get bored with you. Just take care of your own life, make this girl the last of your priorities. When she sees you are moving away from her, she will start getting into you again.

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Have you talked with her about these mixed signals?

If so, what did she say?

She might not be ready for a relationship, and if not, you will get hurt if you keep investing emotionally.

Have you asked her if she is really ready for this?

Let her know that you want her to be honest with you.

You deserve to know where you stand with her.

Don't waste your precious time on a woman who doesn't know what she wants...there are plenty out there who do!

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