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When love hurts


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Expressing my self through poetry is something I've forgotten how to do, this is my first try after a long time. This is my situation...


The heart aches, the stomach hurts now,

let new in to my heart, thats more than I'll allow.


To be in more pain, which almost killed me before,

I don't know what to, these feelings gallore.


Man did she hurt me, much suffering and pain,

cheated and lied, what did she really gain?


I lost a son, a wonderfull boy who I love,

I see him sometimes, but really nearly enough.


She married some guy, just out of spite,

a new man with my son? I felt so afright.


But the past is the past, nothing I can do,

But explain my pain and suffering to you.


So I've tryed to move on, not in love anymore.

But what do I do with this distrust from before?


I met a new girl, who was hurt just like me.

Things are so perfect, almost meant to be.


But the pain from my hurt, lingers each day.

What if she does this, I just cant be this way.


She hurts just as much, from relationships past.

Can we work together and really make this last?


Can we grow together and heal ourselves now,

SO many things about her, just make me say, WOW.


We are not over our pain, I know it takes time to grow,

But how can we stay together, with passion, I dont know.


If we slow this down and go very slow,

Will it cease to exsist and never grow?


We cant give each other, what we really think of,

which to both of us, is falling in love.


I think we are lonely, and both of us lost,

what do we do, to what end, what cost?


We both start to fall, then pull our hearts back,

commitment and trust is what we both lack.


So tell me my friends, what do we do?

In the end we dream, to say I love you.....

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I loved that poem. I'm sure that if you all talk about how you feel and how you felt about your pst relationships then you all will eventually help each other with the hurt that you all experienced.


I wish you well.



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