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My bf wants to work things out... should I trust him again

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My ex boyfriend and I had something great going, we were very serious about our relationship, until he messed things up. See I trusted him and all but he lost it when I heard rumors and him saying he was going to ask another girl out behind my back. We ended up breaking up and then he asked me to forgive him, I did but what ended up happening was that I couldn't trust him like before. Is that bad? Well anyway we went back out and I guess things weren't going well to many people budding into our relationship and I kind of lost it. He treated me bad and I was mean to him. He would tell everyone that I was a u know and he never did anything wrong. We broke up again because of all the fighting. Now that I was trying to move on, he wants me back. The thing is he was about to go out with some girl but ended up wanting to work things out with me. My question is should I go back feeling or thinking this girl is going to get in the way even though he says she isn't? Should I trust the fact that he wont hurt me again?

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you cant expect him to never hurt you again. If you love someone, you are pretty much giving them the right to hurt you.



If you think it's worth all the drama and the tears, then i think you should give him another chance. But try to be mature about it. Talk about your issues..that usually helps...



Trust is a very important aspect of a realtionship...if you think you cant trust him then dont even bother. You cant base your decisions on rumors though....make sure you ask him and find out the truth before you make any kind of judgement.


good luck!

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It may be worth it but you'll need to take things very slowly. He need to regain your trust and that is not going to be easy but if you both really like each other a lot and will treat each other well then maybe you can work things out...but trust is essential

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It's impossible to predict whether he'll hurt you again but ask yourself this: How many times has he hurt you already after getting back together? Then base your question on that answer. If he's hurt you a lot already.. 9 times out of 10 he's going to do it again.


Why does he keep running back to you? Is he coming back to you when things aren't so great with the other girls he's messing with?

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well honestly ReneinDC I think so or he is just using me. Especially since school is starting soon and that whole year we went out I helped him alot with it, I am pretty sure he his using me for that. He is very controlling and I would let myself, now its like I cant let it happen b/c I was really hurt. See his friend and I are friends and he hates and doesn't let me talk to him. We aren't dating exactly yet do you think I should listen since we are trying o work things out? See about this question when he was trying to hook up with some girl and then wanted me back, I had told him that he was going to have to stop talking to her too, if I couldn't talk to his friend. Was that a mistake?

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