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How accurate R the Early Home Pregnancy Tests early on

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Ok, my period seems to be late. I was supposed to get my period on the 24th of this month & now it's the 27th. My periods are usually like clockwork. Always on time. I seem to be having short periods lately though. like 21 day cycle the last 2 times I have had my period. I am wondering if I'm just a little late & my period is going back to my normal cycle of 24-25 days or i could be indeed pregnant.

The last time my lover & I made love, the condom broke. We were not using any other form of birth control, unfortunately.

It was pretty early on in my cycle but I noticed I did ovulate a few days later after we made love.

Should I just wait another day or two before I take the home pregnancy test or should I do it in the morning? It says on the box, the morning is the most accurate time to do the test.

I have a doctor's appointment this Friday, should I just have the doctor do the test then?

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I would say wait about another week because if you are stressed it can make you miss your period but also if u are to worried that u might be pg it may make you miss as well I would say wait a week then take a test it is best to find out as soon as possible but you are only a few days late so give it till the end of the week and keep me posted pm me anytime u need to talk and goodluck!

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The pregnancy test is looking for a hormone called HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin.) The hormone collects in your urine when you are pregnant, but very early in your pregnancy there won't be much of it there. So the morning urine is the most likely to show the presense of the hormone, since it is typically the most concentrated urine of the day.


You could be pregnant and it might not show this early. Pregnancy tests normally would never show a false positive, though, and the drugstore tests are not all that expensive. So if it will make you feel better to see a negative test even though it doesn't conclusively mean you aren't pregnant, what's the harm in taking one? If this will not make you feel better, then why waste your money?

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