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Something feels so off. HELP Please

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I wrote about this issue before. My bf told me he skypes with his best friend everyday single day and for some reason i got a gay vibe from that. And i asked him if he was gay and he got really offended. I wrote about it here and everyone told me that i was overreacting.

Today i was with him on the phone and he told me hes watching porn. THen he told me the title states "tricia seduces her hot boyfriend". I was like send it to me but he was a bit hesitant about it. So once I open the page he goes oh by the way it actually says "tricia seduces his hot boyfriend". I open the video and its a guy and a girl having sex. Before u open the video u can only see a girls back with a tattoo on it. So naturally a person would have to read the title. So i didnt say anything to him idk i just felt so sad. As soon as he told me hes watching porn i wondered if it was gay porn. Thats why when he said the title i was like he cant change the title so he has to send it to me.


Is something off help me please

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Please don't be offended. Maybe he's just curious, or maybe he is bisexual or discovering that he's gay. If the latter is the case, you can't be in a relationship with him at that point because he won't want it and it wouldn't be healthy. Then again, maybe he's not gay. Maybe he's just a deuce bag...There are supposedly people who are heterosexual who like gay porn but what I'm really wondering is why in the world would you be okay with him watching porn? Maybe that's more normal than I view it as...but it's devaluing the most intimate expression of love possible between two people because the people in the videos are paid, are often abused, and might not even be of the sexual orientation they're portraying. It's kinda the same as having a bf who ogles attractive people he sees on the street all the time. Whether it's a girl or a guy, he's jacking off looking at someone else's body when he's supposed to be in a relationship with you. How can you expect him to be faithful when he does that? Again, please, nobody crucify me. I don't understand porn at all and I feel really sad for people who sell their bodies for sex in any way.

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You haven't told us how old he is? If he's a young person then he might be trying to find out exactly who he is. If this is the case it is not a good time for him to be in a relationship with you. Actually it's not a good time for him to be in a relationship with anyone.


At first you said you thought it was a woman and then you realised it was a man. Could this person be a "she male" or someone that is transgender? Whatever, it is he sounds like a confused person at the moment.


I'm sorry I can't help you anymore at the moment.

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I think you should both talk about it and find out exactly how he feels about it. You should also tell him how you feel. Please don't make it into an argument or you'll both end up going nowhere. Sometimes people watch it to get ideas of other positions to try with their partner. Others watch to masturbate too. Some couples like to watch porn together. It's individual choice.

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He's going to get offended if i say something. My friends said that when they watch porn they dont look at the title they just look at the picture on the video. Nothing about him gives me gay signals but when he told me he skypes with his best friend everyday and then i see a video whos title gives a gay meaning but yet the video itself is straight i get confused.

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