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PLEASE HELP... what should I do???

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Hey... this is my first time I've writen with a problem of my own so here it goes...


*phew* Ok it started on Monday which was yesterday... well actually it started earlier... Howz about I type and you try understand...


I was invited to a Party on the 21st of August and I was like yeh I'll go cause she is my good bud (by the way her name is Liz) and she's great we used to be really close but we are kinda distansed now but we are still good friends (not the issue)... So at the moment this is the party that EVERYONE is going to all my friends etc...


A week later I was invited to another party (Party guy is Jack he has a girlfriend who is a good friend of mine) ON THE SAME NIGHT (eeeek) and this party is going to be really good and heaps of my friends (who were invited to the other party) are going to this party...


So all of us who were invited to both we are going to go to both because we don't want to be rude to ONE or the other...


So during a rehearsal for a concert... Me and three other girl were just sitting and talking and... there was a party coming up (different party last Sat) and my friend Emma said I've been invited to this other party of a family friend and I think I might go to that one and not the one you guys a going to (Emma wasn't invited to Jack's Party) and so I turned to her and mimed please come to ours I want you there... and she turned to me and said "this is a bit much coming from you considering you're going to Jack's... Liz is meant to be your good friend you were like her best friend you should be going to just her Party"... I just kind of sat there in horror, I couldn't really say anything to that so I left it and didn't say anything to her for the rest of the day...


So this Party on the Saturday came and Emma was there... it all went well we were talking... yey...


I get to School on Monday and at Recess My two friends Ellen and Georgina come up to and say (knowing about what Emma had said to me)... "Ummmm... Emma is going to Jack's party" and I turned around and I'm like "Excuse me.... ummmm are you sure?" and they were like "Yeh she told Jack on Saturday that she was going to go to his Party... you should say something to her" and I'm not confrontational AT ALL I hate it because my throat goes dry and I never know what to say and I just loose all confidence... (Emma is really intimidating sometimes)


Eventually they convince me to ask her about it... so she was standing behind me but not in our conversation... she didn't know that I was going to do this... I turn around and say

Me ummm... Georgina just told that you were going to Jack's... that you told him you were going to his party... isn't that a little Hypocritical considering you hounded me about it?"

E did I hound you?"

Me the rehearsal you went off at me"

(it kinda goes blurry here)

E: "I wasn't hounding you, I was just saying that you've been friends with Liz for ages, and I never actually said I was going to Jack's"

Me told me, and she was RIGHT there when you said it and I believe her"

E just think you shouldn't be at Liz's for only an Hour"

Me when did I say I was only going to be at Liz's for one hour I never told you that"

E told me you were only going to be there for an hour"

Me I never told Sal anything like that, I haven't even spoken to her about that, you just assumed, you could have come to me and asked me"

E should have come to me and asked about it"

Me you should have come to me"

E if you wern't ignoring me all of last week I would have spoken to you"

Me wasn't ignoring you"

E tell me you weren't cause you were"

I start to walk away

E you were ignoring me"

I turn back to her

Me have my reasons for doing that"

E: *laughs* I knew it

Then Emma walks away....


So I was angry with her ALL day yesterday... I found out last night that Emma was Thinking about gong to Jack's and that she MIGHT be going... so I was going to apologise today....


Today Hannah comes up to me and tells me that Emma doesn't want to talk to me until friday at least (Emma holds major grudges)

So all of today I've been walking around Feeling sick as anything wanting to throw up when ever I thought I saw her... Or when I did see her... I really DO NOT WANT TO LOOSE HER FRIENDSHIP... I do like her but I love her as a friend...


PLease Help.... what should I do... should I apologise... What did I do wrong so I don't do it again... ANYTHING WILL HELP... I'm being eaten up inside

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You didn't really do anything wrong just a little misunderstanding between the two of you. Just talk to her tell her it was a misunderstanding and you don't want to lose your friendship with her over that. You can wait till friday because she holds grudges if you want but just talk to her if you want to restore your friendship.


There is one thing you might want to apologize about though


E: "I wasn't hounding you, I was just saying that you've been friends with Liz for ages, and I never actually said I was going to Jack's"

Me told me, and she was RIGHT there when you said it and I believe her"

E just think you shouldn't be at Liz's for only an Hour"

Me when did I say I was only going to be at Liz's for one hour I never told you that"

E told me you were only going to be there for an hour"

Me I never told Sal anything like that, I haven't even spoken to her about that, you just assumed, you could have come to me and asked me"

E should have come to me and asked about it"


The thing is you believed Georgina when she told you Emma was going to Jack's even though you didn't ask Emma about it. But when Emma believed Sally about you staying at Liz's for an hour you say she just assumed and she should have asked you. To be honest you both should have asked each other about it instead of listening to others so i guess you are both at fault here. But jus talk to her and clear things up you shouldn't stop being friends over something silly like this.

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