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I just thought of this! If a man were surrounded by a group of ladies and they all gave him attention...letting him know that they are attracted and then there was one lady that gave him no attention at all, do you believe that he would be more inclined to take interest in the girl that showed him little to no attention because in that case it would make him wonder more? Like a hard to get, or forbidden fruit situation? I have heard a lady say once, "He chose me b/c I wasn't all over him like others"

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Make him wonder more or why he of all people are not getting ALL the attention he wants. Are you looking for a strategy in attracting someone?


I mean, I've heard of this happening. And yeah, where I work there is someone that I like that others really like too. Maybe I am looking for a strategy! But theres more info in my post "Staring" location in Attraction and Flirting. Can you read it for me and respond?

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If he's trying to talk to you then why not talk to him more often? You don't need to try to act cold on purpose or play any games. If he's truly interested I'm sure the conversation will steer into that direction. If you purposely keep ignoring him, he may get the impression you're not interested, already taken or just downright stuck up.

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If he's trying to talk to you then why not talk to him more often? You don't need to try to act cold on purpose or play any games. If he's truly interested I'm sure the conversation will steer into that direction. If you purposely keep ignoring him, he may get the impression you're not interested, already taken or just downright stuck up.


I'm not really playing games at all. I know he stares at me, but that doesn't mean he likes me. It's not glances...they are pro-longed stares. Also, A girl at worked noticed him looking at me while I was not even paying attention. Other girls like him and I am afraid to respond to him in any way. Verbal or non-verbal b/c what if he really doesn't even like me!?

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If he doesn't even like you then he wouldn't be staring at you; at least as far as us guys are concerned we don't just stare at women who we aren't attracted to. I really do think he is interested in you or at least curious in getting to know you


Alright. Thanks! I guess I better get to work and see what happens. : ) I'll keep you posted.

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