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advice, suggestions or comments all welcome

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okay i am not sure where to start lol so i will start at the beginning lol...about 5 month ago i get this email from a girl who wants to talk on msn i guess she was bored and just by chance clicked on my profile and liked it and wanted to talk....lol. little did i know she would turn into the most important thing in my life in such a short period of time. we talk every day for hours upon hours and we just seem to "click" more so then any other girl i have met. the only prob is she lives about 7 hours away =(. we are planning on meeting at a concert in about a month and i cant wait =). i am just wondering if it fair to either of us to get to close with the distance and all? however there has been talk that she is thinking about moving in with her dad next year which i have mixed feeling about it....on the one hand it would be great for "us" because it is only an hour and a half away and i would love to see where this relationship might go.....but on the other hand i feel kinda guilty because she would be leaving her friends and family. lol i donno..... any suggestions, advice or comments would be great.

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hey! well first of all, its nice that you two are meeting. that will be a turning point for both of you to see how the sparks really fly. now about her moving and stuff, you shoudn't feel guilty AT ALL, i mean it would be her choice, you are just one of the pros to the move. theres no reason for you to feel guilty about it. and if you're 19 im assuming shes in the same age range meaning its a good time for her to make a change. in any case, you should just go with the flow. and if you want her to be closer to you then you should tell her that. so see how it is in person, see where the relationship is going, she will make her decision based on many other factors. so if she does decide on moving in with her dad, then you should be estatic and not feel guilty. maybe its the gr8 place her dad has, or maybe she has friends and all in that area too. so dont think about it too much. see how its going and dont feel guilty about ANYTHING!

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