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me and my boyfriend of 7 months plan to have sex soon. we're both virgins and we both love each other. the problem is where could we do it???? definetly not at my house, my parents are always home and same with his. i definetly don't want my first time in a car... and we're not old enough to go to a motel/hotel, so i guess we're kind of stuck....


if anyone can give me an idea to our whereabouts, please reply!

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Well I am not sure what to tell you but I do want to ask how old you are if you dont mind?If you are young just remember this only happens once and it is a very special thing that you have that is yours and should be done at the right time place and with the right person but that is for you to decide.Just remember it is a one time thing and it should be with the right person and you should be really certain he is the right one or you can get really hurt but not always but it is your choice so you do what you feel is right.Please reply back thanks

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Chances are if you are not old enough to go to a hotel than you are not old enough to be having sex. Your first time should be special and a car is defintely not special. I think you should wait until the timing is completely right and there is nothing in the way.

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It would be best to wait a little while because I think the best place to have sex for the first time is somewhere where you feel at home, which would be either your house or his. And even though you need to make sure you are both ready, you need to make sure the timing is right too.


You also want to do it without worrying about being interrupted. Nothing is worse than trying to have sex for the first time & having all the worries that come along with that while also worrying about someone walking in on you. You can't relax as easily, which will make it a much less enjoyable moment.


I think you should wait for the timing to be right. Maybe you & your boyfriend are really ready for it, but its bad timing right now. Its best to do it when no ones home & you know they won't be home for awhile, or maybe after everyone goes to bed & you know for sure that they won't walk in on you.


It won't be that difficult to wait. You've waited your whole life for this moment, it won't kill you to wait a while longer. You want it to be perfect, so don't rush yourselves into it. Just wait for the right time. It will come.

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If you believe that you are ready for sex and feel that you want to do it then i say go for it the most important thing is that you feel ready for it not your age. However as it is your first time it is something that you will always remember so try to make sure that you feel comfortable wherever you are doing it so in a car is definitely not a good place. If you cannot use a motel/hotel then just wait and be patient the time will come when one of your parents are gone and you have a free house. I would recommend at one of your homes as a place to do it as it will be where you feel the most comfortable. But when the time comes cease the moment just make sure u practice safe sex :scatter: !

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It's so much better to be with another first timer, granted the experience would be very mind blowing (in fact, both of you will likely to be fumbling the entire time), but when you are much older, you will be glad you lost your virginity to another virgin. (Not very likely these days)


Would you rather lose it to a much more experienced guy, my current GF simply didn't enjoy it.

I lost mine to a much more experienced girl, I'm glad I lost mine since my GF had more previous partners and experience than I do. I would simply felt inadequate if I lost mine to her.


Be glad, at least both of you are clean of STD. After this, the chance of you NOT getting STD with another partner is much much lower.

This is as close to clean safe sex as you will ever get.

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well there are a few of things you can do. you can wait until one of your parents are gone and you have a free house as stated previously, OR you can try to go to when of your friends houses when they have a free house, OR you can pitch a tent or set up a blanket in a very nice spot on a hill where no one will go by at night or something (dont think this is sleezy, its a very nice environment) one other thing you can do is just lock the door to your room but i dont know if you would wanna do that

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Oh jeez! My first time was in my own bed, with a virgin guy, while my parents were sleeping at 4 o'clock in the morning. We "really" loved each other too. Not to scare you or anything, but afterwards, I REALLY regretted it! Then after we broke up months later, I found out he had lied to me and he actually wasn't a virgin at the time. Seriously wait until you are ABSOLUTELY sure it's the right guy and the right time for YOU. Make sure you don't feel pressured by your guy whatsoever! I went about my first time completely wrong and now I regret it. You don't want to have to live with regrets.

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