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We both like the same girl

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Hey, I'v liked this girl for about a month (even though iv never talked to her). She is friends with one of my best friends and he really likes her. She told him she just wants to be friends, but he always talks about her and Its driving me crazy! I want to get to know her but I don't want to loose one of my best friends, any advice?


Sorry if this message dosn't make any sense, its late

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Dude before you do anything, remember this phrase: bro's before h0's. No girl is ever worth losing a best friend over. If she told him she wants to be friends, she does not like him and does not want to go out with him. If I were you, I would never risk losing a friend, especially a best friend, over some girl that doesent even like you. Girls come and go, but real friends are hard to come by.

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Does your best friend know that you like this girl also? Anyway, what the guy above my post said was correct. Even if your best friend is okay with you liking her, deep down.. he's probably having horrible thoughts for you if you and the girl ever dated.

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If I was in your position, I would go for it. Life's too short to worry about messing up frienships. If this guy is going to be jealous of you and this girl, then so be it. You need to think about yourself and try not to worry about what this guy feels.


If your mate is a true friend then well appreciate how much you like this girl and let it be.

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Does your best friend know that you like this girl also?


No, I don't think he dose. I have a weird feeling that she likes me, but im not sure. Every time he's around her and sees me he acts kind of jealous for some reason. He really likes her but she told him she just wanted to be friends but they still go out to the movies and stuff. I really like her and want to get to know her, maybe it would be best if I just tried to be friends with her and then take it from there, what do you guys think?

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