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How's this for a monkeywrench into my plans

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Backstory of my situation---my ex broke up with me a month ago because she's going into her last year of college and "wants to experience new things". We'd been together 1.5 years and she's 21 and I'm 23. We'd talked about the future and stuff before she recently got scared and ran. We're still on good terms, however.


Just yesterday I received a job offer----in the town where she's going to school (same place I graduated from too.) The specifics aren't clear yet as the employer is trying to see if he can open a new position but if it's a full-time job with benefits (which is a very good possibility), I'd be stupid not to take it.


I immediately thought of how this impacted my relationship with my ex. A few days earlier I had asked her hypothetically if I was still at school with her and not so far away (2 hours) would we still be together and she said possibly. Now a few days later this happens. Talk about weird timing.


Anyhow I told her the news to get her reaction and initially she was a little stunned. I told her I wanted her to know beforehand so she would be comfortable with it because I still care very much for her and I didn't want to put her in an awkward spot. She said she still wants the chance to see other guys but that we could casually see each other and PERHAPS start to date slowly again if things go right.


I've been loking for a better job and now this falls in my lap. Not only does it put me back where I went to school (and have a bunch of friends still there) and puts me back in the college atmosphere that I sorely missed, but it also puts me closer to her. I don't want to rush anything with her but I am definitely excited about the opportunity to see her more than I would have been able to before.


Just goes to show you that things can change instantly. I'm not saying this puts us back together by any stretch but at least now I'll be able to see her face-to-face in trying to possibly patch things up. And if that doesn't work out, at least I now have a better pool of prospective dates at the college, compared to what I have going on where I am now which is a whole lot of nothing.

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Sort of Sounds like me...we were long distance, and I decided right after she broke up with me to move back to her town (my old college town) to go to grad school...at first she's all missing me and messing with my head asking when I'd move back..now we haven't talked much but I move back there in a week and I know that I'll have face-to-face chances, just like you...We just need to keep it slow...Theres a chance that your ex thought it would be long distance and didn't want to deal with it...(pretty sure thats what happened to my ex, I think she got sick of missing me all the time)


Take it slow and see what happens...and if nothing, remember that theres a lot of other girls out there around a college town!!!


Good Luck with your job and the ex!!!

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