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What is NC? What should I do now?

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You are correct, however, I have a slightly different view.


NC enables you to move forward without them physically in your life so that it gives you an opportunity to heal, reflect, and just get on with things.


On the other hand, depending on the circumstances of the break-up, it will give the other party to do the same thing. It may also enable them to reflect on what they had with you and, if possible, make their minds up as to whether or not they have feelings for you.


My ex and I are currently in NC and it is hard but it is the only chance for you to heal yourself and also increase the chances of them coming back if that is on the cards. But you will not know that. My ex asked for a month out but I decided to break-up for her to sort out her mind without me being there. I miss her to death but there is nothing at all I can do. If you contact they may resent you for taking away something they have asked for.


Some people ask for NC as an easy way ouy, others ask for NC so they can clear their minds and sort out themselves and what they really want in life. It may be you!


In the meantime, get on with your own life and remember - if you contact then you are disrespecting their wishes.


Your compelte absense form their life may be sincerely missed and they may come back. At this point you will be in a better emotional state to make the correct decision as to whether or not you want them back!


Give it a go - it is hard but it is necessary. If you dont, you may jeopardise your own healing and the possibility of re-uniting with loved ones!


Good Luck!

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Thank you very much for the insight. The whole NC thing is really hard for me when he is the one that calls me. It's hard for me not to answer his calls or text messages. He broke up with me about two months ago, the longest we went without talking was for three weeks. He now tells me he loves me and realizes he made a huge mistake and wants to work things out. Well in the time we've been split up he's been giving me the run around, in my opinion stringing me along. He'll call and tell me he loves me so much and misses me and then not call for like a week or two. Well I found out that he was seeing this other girl and slept with her. I was really hurt by the news being that he would still call me up and tell me he loves me and wants to work things out. Well I asked about the girl and he admitted to seeing her but denied ever sleeping with her. I don't know what to believe; his bestfriend is the one that told my best friend, which in turn told me that my ex told him all of this. These last two weeks we've been talking almost everyday and have hung out three times. He still tells me he loves me and wants to get back together but is he just keeping me as a security blanket? Should I really do the NC thing even if he tries to contact me? Thank you all for your input, best wishes to all.

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I had the same situation... he broke up with me and then started begging me back, and then I found out he'd emailed some chick and that they hooked up. It really confused me cause I don't know how a guy who says he wants me back could then go out and hook up with someone else. His logic escaped me.


I decided NC was the best because I decided he was disrespecting me by toying with me and then going out and sleeping with another woman and I wasn't up to the challenge of hearing him apologize and make up excuses.


I can say I'm happier now that I broke contact with him and it was the right choice for me in the long run.

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