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Need Some Helpful Advice

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My girlfriend recently left for a couple weeks to another state with her family, I talk to her every other day. She says she loves me but does not trust me and thinks Im going to cheat on her. What really makes me mad is that I have had plenty of chances and have not took any of them. When we first met she did cheat on me but we were not serious at the time. Now that we have been dating several months I trust her for some reason, but she doesn't trust me. Should I break this no trust relationship off?

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Thanks for advice, I talked to her about it and all she had to say was that she dont trust the girls that I am hanging around.. But the thing is that it is every single one of them???.. When I tell her that I wont do anything she still does not believe me. I have tryed everything, and a couple days after that post.. I made a mistake and cheated on her.. I believe it was because If she thinks Im going to do something I might as well do it. Does this mean that I really don't love her as much as I think I do? Should I just break it off now before it gets even more serious?

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