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Life is sometimes rough and things dont always go your way but in order to be happy you must be happy with yourself,Life is also not everything you want it to be but what your life is you make so start making yourself happy!Think about it this way if you are looking for someone and you have not found that person dont look dont wait just let it happen when it does,If you are with someone talk to them about it,If this is concerning yourself just go with the flow and make yourself the person that u want to be in life and become happy within.Goodluck with everything and Pm me anytime you need to talk

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hah happy all the time? far from it. life is a mixture of sad times, happy times and every single emotion in between. how to explain life? theres no real way. life means a different thing to every single person. my own life has had its beautiful highs and its oh so friggin terrible lows. life can throw a lotta crap at you, but someone once told me something when i was feeling down: its better to walk through sh*t than to live in it. when life seems like it cant get any worse, always have hope and know that life will turn out better soon. and when life is good. live it to the max. never ever give up any oppurtunity. i believe id rather do something and know how it turns out- good or bad- rather than not do anything and wonder for the rest of my life how it would be if i had done that. i knw this from experience... ive lost too many oppurtunities. so smile and live it up when life is good. and when life is bad, have some hope.

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There's a singer, Matt Nathanson, he's not hugely popular yet, but I think he'll be pretty well known one of these days...He's touring with O.A.R a lot...

He said "I've realised life isn't about big wins. It's a lot like taking a walk, sometimes you're going uphill, sometimes your going downhill...the idea is to enjoy it as best you can..."

~Matt Nathanson

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I guess for my way of life .... I'm not the kind of guy who would be a Cracking loud Fun or Dramatic Chirpy Jovial person .... but I do think that life is like a train ride and we ought to enjoy it every bit as we can ....


For me, I enjoy beautiful things ... subtle things ... like a Nice Jazz piece ... a well cooked Tenderloin .... a beautiful Masterpiece .... etc.


Some people like Extreme sports .... Beer and nuts .... Slap stick movies ...


You never know what you can get in life .... it depends on how you interpret it when they come. The most important thing is that you are LOoking forward to it.


You can't always get the happiest conversation .... the most perfect Job ... nor the most loyal friend. But you can choose to say and listen to the right stuff .... get a job you enjoy .... and see the good in the person you are talking to .... Doesn't always happen, and when it does not .... you don't have to stay on.


Bottom line ..... Avoid pessimistic people ... Avoid Pessimistic thoughts ... if you are one yourself .... look on the Bright Side ... you are breathing and staring at the Sun .... there is always a Good Reason why you are alive ...


If you want others to be happy .... be happy yourself ... : )

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Life is the whole range of emotions and expriences... good and bad, happy and sad. At times you will unhappy, even downright depressed. You will have worries and more stress than you will like. You'll have fights that leave you devasted. But that's what makes life worth living. It's the challenges and struggles that show us what we are made of and who we are deep down. Life isn't just about being happy, it's about experiencing all life has to offer. It's about knowing who you are and being true to yourself. It's about helping others and making the world a better place.

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