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my boyfriend and I always use a condom when we have sex, but theres a problem. He loses his erection because he can't feel enough through the condom. What can we do about this? It ruins the experience. Do the ultr-thin or ultra-sensitive condoms really help? He feels really bad about this, and he can't discuss it with his doctor because his parents are kind of nosey and strict, and we can't really let them know lest they flip out. We have been together for 2 years btw. I know this is making him very insecure. What can we do?

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If he doesn't really care much about sex, that could be a reason why he's losing his erection. You should talk to him about it & see how he feels. If he really doesn't enjoy it & only does it because you want to, then thats a problem & that could be adding to the reason why he doesn't keep an erection. I'm sure he enjoys hand jobs more, just because he feels it more.


My boyfriend says that condoms make it harder to feel, but he mostly never has a problem. There have been a couple times where he lost his erection, but only like 2 times. We use the ultra-sensitive condoms. I'm not sure if its better or whatever for the guy than other condoms since its the only kind we have used.


Maybe try giving him a hand job until he's really enjoying it & really hard. Then put the condom on & try having sex. Maybe he just needs to be more turned on. Try a lot of foreplay.

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I have a similar problem but I wasn't losing erection. It is harder to feel. I usually use a thicker condom. Maybe you should try a thinner condom. Some of the reasons I can think of are:


-his health: diet and excersise, the better the blood flow the stronger the erection

-the condom: does this hapen when you give him oral? or other times?

-isn't aroused: does he want to have sex?


How often does it happen. It's true what they say, it happens to every guy. At least I hope it does becasue it happened to me once.


Do more research and try and find the root of the problem. If it happens only with condoms then the condom maybe PART of the problem.


good luck

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You may want to ask your BF if he mastubate a lot? Or he use to mastubate a lot when he was younger.

If he does, his penis would be more used to his stimulation method/rhythm, so he would get soft inside you.

I started when I was like 9 yrs old, have been doing it regularly, now to my shame, my GF can't get me to cum by BJ alone (w/o my help), and it takes a lot for me to reach climax inside her.

It's good since I last a lot longer, the draw back is (if it's the 3rd time of the day) I would be stimulated a lot more than normal, so it's even harder to cum.


If not, then he just might have some health (diabatic) / phycological issues.

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