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Sorry that the topic got closed you guys. I'm sorry that I added to the problem. For those of you who didn't have a chance to visit before it got locked, I would again like to apologize to Dope and everyone who was affected by this.

I hope this won't discourage you guys from continuing to post. I think this topic is very valuable and you need to get your opinions out!

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Av sent me an email. He was really nice about it- apparently there's a rule that you can't take anything personally here. I think it's a pretty ridiculous thing to lock a thread over,especially if we were resolving it ourselves. But now we know what not to do. Right? Glad to know that you're still coming around hun!

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Yeah, what a battle it was. I didn't get a warning though. I was doing what I normally do and that was quoting people. But sorry that I played a part in it, I wasn't trying to offend anyone.


In any case, how are we going to start this off? Any new posters that come in won't have any idea what this is about.


The guy who first created the post is long gone though. Have no idea where he went. I guess this is PADreamer's forum now!

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lol ummmm... I didn't receive a warning but yeah so i'll just assume that my post was the straw that broke a camels back? I think i've might have been the last poster although i could be wrong. I don't recall using profanity or calling anyone names. But now that i think about it i have used scenerios to contradict statements, that other people may find a bit out of hand. Although i find closeing the topic to be a wee bit absurd. I'm sorry. I apoligize for my participation and i will refrain myself from posting so much if at all. My postings have been a bit of a brush-off anyways.

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LOL! Well I'm glad everyone (or MOSTLY everyone) seems to be back! MY FORUM?!?!?! LOL! That's a little scary! I only started this up again because I felt it was unfair that a topic created for YOU GUYS was ruined by ME! This is for you, not me.


So... GUYS... get the ball rolling again!

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I don't why Av just didn't delete the posts that were 'flaming'. I mean what about the people just talking? Why lock our thread because of this small issue?


Well, I used to just do that. But then people came back and said "Who deleted my post?" and then they'd start flaming each other all over again. So the only way I've found to stop these things is to lock the thread. That definitely gets everyone's attention (as you have noticed) and lets everyone cool down.


And flaming, to us, is actually a big issue. Everyone is welcome to express their opinions as long as they aren't ripping on each other in the process. Once a debate turns into name calling the thread gets locked because the original purpose of the thread is gone.

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Ya man these pills r working great man im able act and talk around girls much better actually keeping some confidence up.Its made me much happier,confident,self esteem,and broughten up how much i like myself tremendously.I didnt something that way can affect u that bad chemically i guess i needed it to sort out my transfer of serotonin.

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Hey Av, I can completely understand the problem with that. It's fine as far as I'm concerned. I was just really confused at first- I'm still relatively new to how this site works, so it took me a few inutes to figure out what had happened! But the topic is up and running in a non-flaming sense, so all is well in the realm of life! Thanks for your role in this forum- you keep the peace, and we appreciate it. At least I know I do.

Shin, hun! I'm glad to know that you're feeling better! I was on... What was I on? LOL! I was on a pretty popular med for a while and it worked really well for me. I hope things keep getting better for you. Have you noticed this desire to better yourself? I did when I was on meds. Instead of blaming everyone around me for how I was feeling, I started to realize all of these positive improvements that I wanted and needed to make in myself. Have you felt like that?

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I don't know what was going on over there but I'm glad there's a new one started and I hope everyone who contributed to it would please join in here


well I don't know what else there is for me to say but hang in there all you nice guys and nice girls and hopefully i may strike gold (y'know what i mean) this coming year at university and i'll let you all know if i do.

and if i don't...well i'll be sure to let you all know in that case too!

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PADreamer, what's wrong? If you want someone to tlak to, feel free to semd me a personal message!!! I'll even give you my e-mail or screen names for my messenger accounts! But you're not alone... I'm prolly gonna end up lying in bed crying tonight, too. I've had about 10 of "one of those days"'s in a row...

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Sorry guys. Rough day at the office, so to speak. I'm just stressing out a little right now- school and relationship stuff. I'm fine, I promise. You just have those days when the best thing you can do for yourself is have some alone time and just explode, get it out of your system and get over it, ya know? Glad to know that I have people I can go to when I feel down!

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