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I´m seeing 2 guys tonight... opinions please!!!

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Hey everyone... I have a question, and I guess it´s more of a moral or etiquette nature.


I have made plans with 2 guys tonight. Let me explain...


Guy #1 called and asked to see me at 9:30pm, when he gets off work. He´s been calling me a lot, and has generally been a real nice guy. So I agreed to meet him. He´s coming over to my place to hang out for a bit.


Then guy #2 called. He is the "mixed signals" guy that I´m sure some of you have read me complaining endlessly about. He was supposed to have called yesterday, but it´s not like him to actually do everything he says he will (he lags a lot in the calling department, as well as on punctuality). I´ve decided to not take him seriously and not put much effort into it, but I´d be lying if I said I didn´t enjoy seeing him. I haven´t been calling him, though. Long story short, he told me he felt like I was leading him on, and wanted to get together to talk. He´s coming over at 7pm, after working out. I told him I had plans at 9pm, so he´ll be outta here by then.


My question is this... neither of these guys are boyfriends, so is it wrong to see 2 guys within a 3 hour window? I know it´s not that big of a deal, but it makes me feel a little weird... I´m not sleeping with either of them, I´m still getting to know them.


Opinions please!!!

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If you're not sleeping with them there's no problem. If you were it would still depend on if either was a serious relationship. Do you think they have any right to expect you to not spend time with other men? IMHO, until you're serious it's just friendships and you can have as many male friends as you want.

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That's where the line between just dating and boyfriend/girlfriend relationships lies... I've read several posts asking about it. I think it's not wrong to see them both, because you're not committed to either of them. So, I guess it comes down to getting to know them better, and then choosing who is the one you want to have a serious relationship (you know, the real deal, boyfriend/girlfriend...) with. I hope that helped. It's just my opinion. I hope it goes well

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Well - I think you've left yourself no room at all in between the two guys coming over. It's definitely pushing it from a logistics point of view! From an etiquette standpoint, I wouldn't want the two guys to run into each other, and if it was me, I would have planned the two dates farther apart, by several hours at least.

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