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There's the kiss. Then there's the french kiss. Ruling out biting, nibbling, etc., what's next on the feel good level? Is there another way I can kiss him that will drive him crazy?


Oh, and guys, do you like it when a girl kisses other parts of your bodies like your ears, your neck, etc.?


Never done any of that stuff before, but I want to. And besides, I feel bad for the guy. He has a lot of sexual frustration and I want to give him something more than just a kiss, but don't want to move on to touching yet. Help from either gender?

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If you don't want to move on to touching him then you should stick to just kissing. He is already sexually frustrated and you really don't want to be a tease. Be considerate and don't lead him to where you aren't ready to go yet.

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My ex-gf used to go crazy if I kissed her on the ears and neck. She never really kissed me anywhere but on the lips or cheek but when she kissed me elsewhere it was like heaven. Ears and neck are the obvious favorites. She also did this weird thing with my eye once that felt good, but that only happened cuz we were kidding around, don't think you should run up to him and kiss him on the eye.

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  • 2 weeks later...

actually only one girl has ever kissed me on the neck, the rest have just stuck to making out using only the french kiss and touching etc etc. when this girl kissed me on the neck she licked my neck as well and i reeeaaaallly enjoyed it. absolutely great

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omg good question. i have kissed my bf on his neck and licked it as well, and when hes kissing my neck i usually kiss and nibble a bit on his ears, but i never can see his reaction lol so i always worried about if he enjoys it. i really do plan on asking him soon lol so i dont keep doing it but ya its nice to hear that you guys appreciate it, gives me some courage lol. and btw, i dont think kissing him creatively is leading him on or being a tease, as long as you talk to him or let him know your boundries he should be able to respect that. and if you dont want to get into touching then creative kissing is the way to go. and everyone has their own preferences--neck a definite favourite and it seems like the ears as well. also just touching him in non sexual places like his hair or his back or even just showing him that you care about him just as much as he does for you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you want to move from the usual kissing routine but don't want to go too far, find his "spots". Make a game of figuring out where you can kiss him that just drives him nuts!


ComputerGuy why do you sound like a clone of my boyfriend? Every post of yours that I've read sounds just like him! LOL! My favorite place to kiss him is on the sides of his stomach... DRIVES HIM CRAZY!

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If you want to move from the usual kissing routine but don't want to go too far, find his "spots". Make a game of figuring out where you can kiss him that just drives him nuts!


ComputerGuy why do you sound like a clone of my boyfriend? Every post of yours that I've read sounds just like him! LOL! My favorite place to kiss him is on the sides of his stomach... DRIVES HIM CRAZY!

Well, if you're going out with a guy that I appear to be like, it must be a good thing so thanx

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