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No money or BMW....HELP

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I am a 26 year old guy. I love sex but I can't ever get it because I am unattractive and I don't drive a BMW. I feel so worthless when I see attractive women. I want to kill myself all the time.

My question is this: is there any possible way to meet women that don't care about cars or money? If I could only find someone I would treat her so well... foot rubs, poems, oral sex (front and rear), and nice dinners. I don't think this is too much to ask. I do have enough money to treat someone well!

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Hey there I don't know to much about you but from the sounds of your post you are a nice guy and there are plenty of nice women out there just maybe quit setting your standards so high attractive is not always best but that depends on what you consider attractive. Some women are very beautiful once you get to know them but they are not 6 ft drop dead georgeos blondes so think about that and maybe that is where your problem lies.

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Hey Cutler,


I can only tell this from your post. You have some self esteem issues that you need to deal with. Not all women are attracted to guys with money or BMWs. What attracts women is a confident man who is in control of every situation(or atleast make it look like it). You have to figure out why you think your so unattractive. You need to talk to someone about your suicide issues and I bet once you figure that out then you will have an easier time with the ladies.


Women are very preceptive when it comes to men. They know when a man is single and looking or when they are out to have fun. You probably look like the single and looking type of guy. If you go out to have fun no matter what happens at the end of the day/night then you might find it easier to get someones attention.


Go talk to a therapist or a close friend about your suicide issues. Fixing that will be the most important thing to change about you first. No one wants to be with someone with major issues or emotional baggage. If you don't know about depression then PM me and I will gladly talk to you about it.


The most important thing to remember is this:


You have to love you for who you are first before you can truly love another.


Go talk to someone,



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Well, I know you like sex, a lot of guys do.


Just don't come accross as being the only thing you want. That person will also have their own feelings and needs as well.


Concentrate on yourself first I agree. Then work on a relationship based on trust friendship first.


I guarantee you that if the woman finds out you are only there for sex, it's a huge turnoff and you will look like a jerk.

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Ill tell you right now. Looks and money do not compare to being treated like a queen. Many girls out there go for looks, but they only get screwed over because that guy is to into himself to even worry about his girl. You just have to be confident, be happy, and STOP LOOKING. Let her come to you, you cant always be open and full of hope. Sometimes its "just not your time" for things. She will come in time.


The BMW is nothing, my boyfriend got a car thats acouple different colors. And I asked him if i could have it when he gets a new car. *Hey... it gets from point A to point B... right* thats all you need!

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Hey Cutler,

Not all women (or men) are shallow. You just have to meet alot of them before you find the right one. Have you tried getting a make-over? It might sound silly to you but hey, the right look could boost your self esteem. We women like a confident guy and that is sure to bring up your confidence a notch or two.


Go where the women are. Talk to a few. Start by noticing something they are wearing and ask a question. The more you practice talking to them the more at ease you will be and the more confident you will look.



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Hey Cutler,


I used to feel like that all the time. Then I realized that you don't have to be rich, you don't have to be a nice guy, you don't have to be a super model, you don't have to be any one of those things. You just have to love yourself and exude that love with confidence.


Take a look at this article. It might change a lot of your prospectives on things. I'm sure some will disagree with some of the things said, and some I disagree with myself, but it's still a very important thing to take into consideration. Please take a look, I assure you that it will help you feel better and give you hope once again. link removed


(I'm referring to the article within the first post)


Good luck, and I hope I helped you out in some way.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cutler, I use to be like you once before.

I had a decent face, not a great body, and I eventually bought a expensive and sporty car (it's not a BMW, but it pretty much wiped out my savings).

But the 2 years I got the car, only 3 girls commented on my car, I actually got more guys express interest in my car !?!?


My GF (date at that time) didn't even know exactly what I drive, all she remembers it's an Acura! Girl aren't into flashy cars or your money, they care far more about your personality, you sense of humor and if you can make her laugh, if you cares about her....... not grand gestures but little things like filling her cup with coffee/drinks, opening the car door, remember what she likes to eat/drink.


It may even help if you keep a journal for everything you do, like what she's wearing, what her interests are, what important thing she said, like what university program she grad. in. My GF had double major and a minor, and she switch streams in the middle, I couldn't get it straight unless I wrote it down! Just DON'T tell her you're keeping the jorunal!


Act like a old school gentleman and it'll get you far.

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