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She desrves Hell..

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Sometimes we all feel like we hate our respective exs for what they have done to us.


As weird as it sounds, hate and love are closely related feelings. They are both strong and all-consuming, difficult to stop and control.


Surely you must have had some good times with her? It wasn't always like this was it?


Sadly you will be unable to heal until you learn to let go. You can't live your life with such hatred, you are only hurting yourself.


Show that you are better than her. Don't go down to her level. Be the better man in this. Learn to forgive. Trust me when I say it's harder to forgive than it is to just hate.


As the world slowly turns, you will feel less pain.

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Maybe it might help, virtualjedi if you could tell us what is going on..... Of course, that is entirely up to you.

No one knows who you are, that's the beauty of the internet.

I can well understand though, revenge, for someone who's wronged you.

I think, unfortunately, that is just human nature, & it's a salve of sorts to help you deal with your pain.

The one thing YOU really don't want to do, as one of the other posters have said, is to stoop to her level. Don't become mean-spirited, inconsiderate & disrespectful to other people. There's no real reward in that. I know, i have a friend, who was wronged terribly during their divorce & they are going down that road now. It's probably lost them scores of really good potential friends & sadly, they are fast burning their bridges behind them.

don't be that foolish. You are better than that, I'm sure.

You could PM me if you wish. I wish you well, friend, don't lose hope though, OK? : )

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