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Why am i cursed when it comes to family??


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I come from an indian background and this is about my fathers family. They are annoying,fake and not good people. The only thing they care about is money,status and the fairness of your skin. The other day i went for my uncle's ceremony.And all my dad's side family were there.. nobody spoke to me there and i have them on facebook...thats the only time they talk and pretend to be nice. One of my cousins,kept commenting my sister on how pretty she is and i was standing right next to my sister but they completely ignored me. They only spoke to my sister. I felt invisible also,the only question they asked me was if i have a boyfriend? Thats the only thing they want to know about,its so freaking annoying. Honestly i hate being Indian...i hate the procedures of their weddings and funerals and the ladies are all big gossipers. Thereafter my sister and i went to sit down on some chairs outside and then my cousins annoying husband sees us and literally ambrasses us by shouting and saying "why yourll not doing work? what yourll came here for?" im like * * * ,we didnt come here to be maids ,we came for our uncles ceremony" ,i gave him a piece of my mind coz i got so angry and people looked at us. They expect us to do work there when they had 2 maids and alot of ladies helping out! And i also heard that one of my cousins wife was gossiping about my sister and i and they said that we are like glamor queens and the fact that i worked for my dad they joked about it. I means so what the hell if i work for my dad its none of her damn business and i hate the fact that she calls us glamor queens when in fact we are not when shes the one who piles on the makeup and thinks shes too beautiful. I dont have any family members who i get along with and whenever we go to their house they make us do work,its annoying and sometimes i feel like id rather be adopted into a family that loves and accepts you the way you are and treat you better.

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Hi Jaydedgirl.


I have a good sense of where you are coming from, though i am a male and come from a different culture, my family is a constant source of frustration, i could probably write a novel here, but i just want to let you know i can relate, i have always been a decent son in terms of behaviour but they still find ways to complain, fill you up with negative thoughts and imaginary fears and bring you down, they haven't lived a day in their life and want to make sure you don't too.


I have tried to move away from blaming them for the way they act, although at times it's borderline insanity, i never respond to their crap because i know it leads to no where, and although i appreciate everything they have done for me, i hope to one day move quite far away from home as it can be a mental drain dealing with all their nonsense at times.

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