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My very reserved crush (mutually crushing actually) has hi-fived me twice now, which I find really unusual – both times as I was leaving his office (he is in his 40's).


I would hi-five during a sports match with some players, but not as a good-bye. What do you think would be the significance of his hi-fives? Guys have you done that with the ladies and ladies have guys done that with you ?

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Y'know I was thinking of starting a thread like this. Me and my friend(secret crush) always Hi Five, quite a few times a day too. I just put it down to a friendly gesture, though we're both 19, so its probably a different story if he's 40

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I wouldn't read too much into it. If you two like each other, one of you should ask if you want to have lunch together.


We have been on two dates, but there was no physical contact - he is very reserved and gentlemanly, so I'm assuming he would take his time. I have always initiated physical contact, the not-so accidental touching and he has always reciprocated. I sense that he feels uneasy around me for some reason...

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